Chapter 17: The Arrest

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6 days after the engagement
1 day before the wedding
9:22 PM

"Thank you so much for gathering here although it is night time, I really appreciate you being able to come despite the wedding day before just a day away"

Sherlock happily announced as he looked at both his parents and the Ashford plus Milverton. "As you know, tomorrow is the wedding and I would like to personally apologize to you Mr Ashford, for being so harsh about this engagement. I should have known better"

Ashford laughed as he arrogantly sat up. "I am glad you are finally coming to your senses, Mr Holmes" Sherlock smirked as continued. "I'm not done, Mr Ashford"

Sherlock looked at Milverton as he laughed. "What I meant is that I should have known better  and I should have kindly turn down the engagement and show you the true color Mister blackmailer here" Just as Sherlock finished talking, a squad of police barged in through the door and pointed their gun at Milverton.

Milverton widened his eyes as Sherlock quickly walked over to him and handcuffed him. "Charles Augustus Milverton, you are under arrest for drug trafficking and drug possession. You and your whole team are going down"

Ashford and the Holmes widened their eyes as they gasped. "Milverton? What's the meaning of this!" Ashford asked furiously. "I-I'm not sure—Holmes! Uncuff me this instant unless you want to—"

"Yeah yeah, go ahead, release the evidence. I am sure Mr and Mrs Moriarty are currently being transferred to jail by my partner as we are talking"

Sherlock turned to face the shock faces as he smiled. "Allow me to explain the situation. Six days ago, I made it very clear that I would never agree to the engagement, until Milverton threatened me with a piece of so called information that could send the family of my significant other and him to jail. I had no choice but to accept it to protect them"

Ashford gasped as he turned to stared at Milverton angrily. "My plan was to temporarily agree to the engagement and find out what that piece of information is before the wedding day, but I decided to look into Milverton first and thanks to this intern investigator here"—Sherlock pointed and Landon, making Landon smiled brightly—"I was able to find out an interesting information about him, enough to send him to jail but then I began to wonder, what could my significant other's family's owe Milverton? That is when I went to ask his brothers and I found some valuable information"

Sherlock grinned as he walked closer to Milverton. "Turns out, Mr and Mrs Moriarty are the one providing you with those containers of illegal substances. They became indebted to you because of a late transaction. You paid the Moriarty a large sum of money in advance but they ended up losing all of the money and couldn't provide the amount of illegals substances you paid for, so you needed money. That's when the Ashford came in"

Sherlock now turned to the Ashford. "Your daughter turned out to be in love with me and would refuse to do anything, let alone eat or drink water to survive until she is engaged to me. You had no choice but to reach out to my parents but for some reason, Milverton overheard and stepped in. Milverton offered to help in getting Miss Ashford and I engaged but in exchange, you guys have to pay him a handsome amount of money but you guys agreed for the sake of your daughter health"

"But why did he step in?" Mrs Ashford asked. "That's a good question, see if you guys just came here alone and proposed the engagement to my parents, I would not agree to it as I have devoted my life and future to someone else and my parents could never force me into it. Milverton happened to know who my lover is so he threatened to throw away my lover future and keep him and his family behind bars unless I agreed to the engagement"

Ashford stood up as he crossed his arms. "Now this doesn't make sense, why would your lover be in danger?" Sherlock smiled as he answered. "Because Milverton thought all of the Moriarty's including their sons are in on in, but turned out they are not"

"Wait does that mean... you and one of the Moriarty's son are lovers?" Fiona Ashford now stood up and walked over to Sherlock. "Yes Miss Ashford, I am sorry to disappoint you but I cannot marry you" She smiled as she took Sherlock's hand in hers.

"I understand, Mr Holmes. I wouldn't dream of taking you away from him" Sherlock widened his eyes, "so does that mean..."

Fiona smiled as she turned around to face her father, Mr Ashford. "Father, let call off the wedding"

Sherlock is now driving to a place which has a special place in his heart. The place where he died. The river Thames.

After he had sorted everything out with Milverton and the Ashford he had decided to leave the rest to the police as he got back into his car and drove off to the London bridge.

He so badly wanted to just show up at the Moriarty's house to explain everything to William and beg for forgiveness but he decided tomorrow would be the best as it is already late at night.

Sherlock parked his car in a park nearby the London bridge, he decided that he wanted to walk to the bridge instead. Sherlock put his hand brake on P as he took out his phone and made a phone call to Louis.

But before he could even call Louis, Louis had beaten him to it as his phone lit up with the caller ID 'Lou-Lou' on it. Confused, Sherlock picked up the called.

"Sherlock? Oh gosh, thank goodness you picked up!" Louis panicked.

"Lou? What's wrong?"

"It's William! He told us that he is going out and he will return at 6 but it's 10 PM right now! He didn't even took his car. I try not to worry as he is a grown man but I can't help but be worried, I tried calling but he wouldn't pick up!"

Sherlock sighed as he spoke to Louis calmly, "I'm sure he is fine Louis, but I will look for him. I will make sure to call if I see him"

"Please do, good luck, Sherlock"

Louis ended the called as Sherlock took a deep breath and exited his car, the chilly air of London caressed his face. Sherlock thought about where William could be as he walked towards the London Bridge.

As the London Bridge slowly appeared in his vision, he could see a familiar person standing by the bridge's railing looking down at the river Thames. Sherlock stopped in his tracks and smiled, he recognized this person.

Of course he would be here too.

Sherlock took out his phone and texted Louis.
'I found him, don't worry. I will drop him off'
Sherlock turned off his phone and place it back into his pockets as he walked towards his heart's desire, William James Moriarty.

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