Chapter Two.

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Kimya was a shy sort, Zira noted, but was nothing if not determined. From there on out, his advances were obvious — The skittish male would frequently bring her scraps of meat as extra sustenance when meals with the clan were not enough. He would sit and watch her from afar, quietly hoping for her reciprocating affection.

Zira wasn't stupid. Any fool could see that he was slobbering over her like a juicy zebra leg, and while she wasn't particularly swayed by his personality, it did feel nice to be fussed over. She liked the attention, all in all — It was refreshing in comparison to the mundanity of clan life. As much as she detested the thought, she was drawn into leaning toward his advances, becoming less and less standoffish.
"May I join you?" Kimya asked in the early afternoon, just when the sun's sweltering heat bore down harshest on the land.
Zira debated briefly on her answer, but responded, "You're free enough to."

The meek hyena settled himself down next to her, quiet at first, yet leaned toward her. The unnecessary closeness made her uncomfortable, but she said nothing of it.
"Listen, Zira," Kimya started, leaning back to his own space somewhat awkwardly. "I know you don't like me, and... And that's fine. I understand. But I-"
"I never said I don't like you." Zira interrupted.
A pause. "...What?" Kimya asked, dumbfounded.
"I never said I don't like you." Zira repeated simply, not budging an inch. "Don't put words in my mouth that I didn't speak."

Kimya faltered, his brows furrowing. An ear twitched in indecision. Well, she certainly had a way of providing mixed signals. "...Sorry, I was just under the impression by the way you were acting." He blinked.
Zira gave him a bit of side eye, then spoke arily with stubborn tone, denying all accountability,
"No idea what you're referring to."
With an exasperated snort, Kimya decided to delve straight into the point. "I like you, Zira. You're tough, you're opinionated — You're beautiful. I'd like to spend more time with you, too, if you'll just let me."

Zira wasn't sure exactly why, but the compliments only made her gut curl inward. It felt strange, in a rather unpleasant way. Still, for many moments, she offered nothing of substance as a reply, stalling as she searched for a suitable answer.
A wary grunt escaped her as she glanced back to Kimya, her paws shifting with discomfort. "Fine." Was all she gave.

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"My friends," The young lion boomed from his perch upon the long-decayed carcass of a fallen elephant, "We stand at a time of uncertainty. I do not know when we will see our chance, but I ask that you believe — If you stand by me now, when we see our opening, we will take it."

All eyes watched as Scar stalked his way across the now-brittle bone of the elephant's spine, claws scoring it briefly as he stretched before leaping onto a sturdier rock ledge. A few hyenas of the crowd murmured their displeasure, skeptical.

"Shenzi may speak for me if she wishes to," Scar proceeded. "But I know what this clan needs. It will require an alliance. Now, I may not be as powerful as Mufasa by any means — but where brawn is outright, I believe brains can outlast. I ask only for your cooperation, and in return, your reward will be great. Food scarcity can be mended. Borders will be strengthened. And... With time, mind you — The Pridelands will be ours."

Zira leaned against her mate, glancing to him for his reaction. Kimya looked mostly unreadable, though his brows were furrowed slightly in concern. Zira herself wasn't sure what to make of the situation; lions were overall a massive opponent to be fought against, and one she didn't particularly like at all, but if Shenzi were to approve... It gave Scar some credibility. Especially so if he was willing to betray his own pride for his goals in assisting the hyena clan.
She couldn't help but admire how bold he was as well. Something in his tone was already so charismatic and certain of himself. It was as though he held no insecurity, fully believing in himself and his convictions. That he would let nothing pull him from his ultimate goal.

With a sigh, she sank against Kimya's warmth and let the lion's droning speech fade to the back of her thoughts. She had become more and more exhausted lately. If she had to guess, it was from the pregnancy. Her belly didn't seem to swell as large as she would have expected by this point, but all the same, she felt the weight of the situation both on her mind and her stomach.
For perhaps the first time in her life, she could have admitted that she felt content. Hopeful, even. Cautiously optimistic. Kimya had provided her with a life she would have not thought previously possible, and now they were to expect a new addition. Possibly more than one addition. Something small to love and cherish. Perhaps she was healing.
As Scar's speech drew to a close and questions began, Kimya's tongue laid a comforting lick upon Zira's head.

It felt nice.

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