Chapter 2

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Dusty slowly opened her eyes before she quickly closed them because of the room being so bright.

"I think she's awake"

"Is she?"

"I don't know, I think I saw her open her eyes"

"Well she better be awake or wake up soon or I'm beating someone's ass"

'Ugh can those voices just shut up for 2 seconds'

Dusty opened her eyes and she eventually got used to the lighting. She tried to sit up but she quickly layed back down when she felt excruciating pain in her lower body.

"You're awake!" She heard a familiar voice say. She turned her head and saw her parents standing there, both smiling. "I'm so happy you're awake" Her mom said.

"I'm happy you're awake too but can you stop doing stupid shit and getting hurt all the time?" Colector told her. "I-" Dusty tried to say but Colector interrupted her. " I don't want to hear it because every time you give me an excuse it's horrible. Remember when you snuck into the gorilla's cage at the zoo and they almost killed you?"

Dusty nodded her head. "And do you remember your stupid ass excuse?" Colector asked. Dusty nodded her head no. "You wanna know what you told me? 'I wanted to visit my family.' 

"Technically humans and gorillas came from the same species so that technically means we're cousins and that makes them family" Dusty told her mom. Collector just shook her head and whispered "I can't with this kid" under her breath.

"Where's Emily and Cami?" Dusty asked her parents." Emily is at home and Cami is on her camping trip. Remember?" Lizzy told her. "Ohhhh I forgot" Dusty said, remembering when her sister Cami left for that trip last week. "You always forget things" Collector said.


4 weeks later............

"I'm so glad you're back and okay" Nugget told Dusty. They were currently in enrichment, sitting at a table with Cami and Aurora. "I'm glad to be back. That hospital was terrible." Dusty told them, while secretly eating some goldfish." So how did you even get hit? You know, usually someone is supposed to push you out of the way and then y'all stare into each other's eyes and it's love at first sight and then you get married and you-" Cami explained to the group.

"Why would someone risk getting themselves hurt for some stranger?" Aurora asks, clueless. "Because that's what people do. They see one hot person and suddenly they're stabbing they're 'true love' so they can die together and be together forever." Nugget said,playing with her necklace.

"What?" Everyone said in unison, looking at Nugget confused. "What? It's true" Nugget shrugged. "Anyways I got hit by a bus and it was because of this sexy girl I saw" Dusty said dreamily, thinking about the girl she saw 4 weeks ago.

"Did the girl run you over?" Aurora asked."No! I was crossing the street and then I saw her so I stopped in my tracks and then I got hit" Dusty explained.

"Embarrassing!" Cami and Nugget said at the same time.Dusty rolled her eyes at them before she checked her watch. It was about 10 minutes before the bell rang which is usually when she goes and changes.

"I have to go, so I'll talk to y'all later" Dusty told the group, while she was gathering her stuff. She walked out of the class and she walked to the locker rooms. She grabbed her uniform and walked in. When she walked in she saw a girl already in there.

"Oh hi!" The girl said to Dusty. Dusty nervously waved and smiled at the girl before going to her locker. "You go to this school, right?" The girl asked Dusty. Dusty nodded in response.

"Well I'm Toffee and I go to King Julian High" The girl said, smiling at Dusty.Dusty turned around and smiled back at her."I'm excited to have somewhere to practice since the principal's son decided to murder someone on the track and then spread their blood all over the track and field." Toffee told Dusty, not thinking about what she was saying.

'What the fuck?'

"Well I'm going to leave you to get changed. Bye!" Toffee said enthusiastically before walking out the locker rooms. Dusty hurried and got changed before she walked out of the locker rooms and grabbed her track bag. She looked through it to make sure a little thief didn't take anything and when she knew nothing was gone, she walked to the track.

She was just looking at the kids on the bleachers while walking before she saw THE girl. That beautiful, sexy girl that made her get hit by a bus.She was staring at the girl before she felt herself bump into someone.

She came back to reality before seeing this girl staring in front of her. "Oh my bad" Dusty apologized. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU LITTLE BITCH" The girl yelled at Dusty before punching her.Dusty of course punched her back and a fight broke out.

They ended up being able to pull the girls away from each other but both of them were bloody and bruised. Dusty looked back at who was holding her back and she saw the beautiful girl she's been dreaming about, holding her back.

"Hi, I'm Trix"




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