Chapter 4

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"I don't even know your sister!" Dusty exclaimed. "Yes you do! Trix is my sister!" Toffee told her.

'I just told her sister how fine I think she is. I'm so dead'

"Uh, just forget what I said about Trix" Dusty said nervously. "I can't now. You already said it" Toffee said excitedly ."You know you're actually hallucinating this and this conversation never happened" Dusty told her. "Are you trying to gaslight me?" Toffee asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Maybe?" Dusty said sheepishly.


It was now the next day and Dusty and her friends were in the hallway.

"That fight was insane!" Nugget said. "Yea, you beat her ass!" Cami said, laughing. "How do you guys even know that?" Dusty asked." Victoria filmed it" Aurora replied.

"It was hilarious" Nugget said, while getting her book out of her locker. "It wasn't hilarious for me." Dusty told her. "It's because you weren't watching it. Glad you're ok though" Nugget told Dusty, patting her on the head like a dog.

"Stop doing that" Dusty said, smacking Nugget's hand. "Me and Cami have to go anyway you big bully" Nugget said before grabbing Cami's hand and walking away.

"I have to go too. My class is on the other side of the school" Aurora said before waving at Dusty and walking away.

'It sucks none of my friends have this period free with me'

Dusty collected her bags and she walked to the music room. That's usually where she hung out during her free period because it's empty and the teacher is really cool.

She was about to walk into the room before she heard singing.

"Living's like a jigsaw

And the farther in you go

If you're missing pieces

Never really know"

'Is that Trix singing?' 'She's sounds beautiful'

Dusty decided to walk in the room to see who was singing and she found Trix ,facing away form the door, sitting in a chair playing an instrument. Trix hadn't heard Dusty come in so she continued to sing and play.

Dusty decided to be the little stink bitch she is and scare Trix. She slowly walked up behind her and when she was behind her, she grabbed Trix by the shoulders and yelled BOO!

That of course scared Trix and caused her to yelp in surprise.She quickly turns around and sees Dusty behind her. "Oh it's just you" Trix said, relieved."Yep, just me" Dusty said, sitting down next to Trix and smiling at her. "You scared the shit out of me" Trix told her.

"Woopsie daisy, I'm sorry" Dusty told her. "So watcha playing?"

"Autoharp" Trix told her. "Ohhhh Autoharp, I love that instrument" Dusty hadn't heard of this instrument in her entire 14 years of living but if Trix likes it then suddenly that is her favorite thing in the world.

"If you know about it, then why did you ask what it was?" Trix asked with her eyebrow raised. "I just had to process what it was" Dusty said, clearly lying. "Fine, name one fact about the autoharp"

"It's beautiful like you"


"Um nothing"

'Why would I say that to her?!'

"Um anyways" Trix awkwardly started before Dusty RUDELY interrupted her. "Do you want to go to a party with me?" She asked.

"Do I wanna what?"

"Go to a party with me. My friends hosting a party next Saturday and I was wondering if you would come with me" Dusty asked nervously. Trix didnt answer for a bit before she nodded. "I'll go with you"

Dusty, surprised that she agreed, smiled with glee."Um great! I'll text you the details." She said getting up.

"How are you going to text me without my number?"

(Author: Yea you dumb bitch)

"Oh right, um can I get your number?" Dusty asked her. "I don't know, can you" Trix asked her.

"Well I kind of need it to text you but if you dont want to give it to me, that alright. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or feel like I'm forcing you know. I also know your sister so-" Dusty ramble before she heard laughter.

"I was joking. Here." Trix said as she handed Dusty a folded paper. "Um thanks" Dusty said sheepishly." I'll uh see you later" Dusty told her before skedaddling out the door.

When Dusty got out the door, she placed the note in her pocket and texted Nugget.

"I need you to have a party next Saturday"




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