Chapter 6

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(I've never been to jail so if I get anything wrong, I don't want to hear it

Also there's 2 timeskips )

Dusty was chilling in her cell with her roommate when a cop walked in."Get up and come Ms.Flamingham" The officer told Dusty. "Good luck" her roommate said to her before she got up and went with the police.

"So what's up bro?" The officer rolled his eyes at Dusty. She has been trying to be "cool" with the cops, even though it hasn't been working.

"Where we going bro?" Dusty asked, trying to be cool."Shush" The officer said annoyed. "Ok bro"

The officer led Dusty to the call station, where Dusty saw Cami sitting behind the glass. "You have 5 minutes" The officer told Dusty before walking away to stand by another officer.

Dusty picked up the phone and put it to her ear. "Hey Cam, what's up?" She asked."Um you're not going to be happy but Trix and Toffee are in the hospital"

"WHAT" Dusty yelled, standing up. "Hey!" The officer that brought her here yelled at her. "Sorry bro"

"Anyways, why are they in the hospital?" Dusty asked concerned." Well I don't exactly know but I know it was something their mom did." Cami told her.

'I'm going to kill that stinky ass hoe'

"Ok thanks for telling me" Dusty thanked her. "You're time is up" The officer told her, walking over. "Bye" Dusty said to Cami before the officer yanked her out of the chair.

"Woah bro that was a little rough"

The officer just rolled his eyes at her and led her to her jail cell.


Dusty just got out of jail and now she was headed to the hospital Trix and Toffee were being held at.

When she got there she rushed into the hospital and she went up to the receptionist. "Hi ma'am. Can I visit Trix Delano?" Dusty asked the receptionist.

"What relation do you have with her?" The receptionist asked. "Uh girlfriend"

The receptionist handed a name card to put on her shirt and then told her which room Trix was in.

When Dusty walked in the room, she saw Trix sitting on the hospital bed, reading a book. "Trix!"

Trix looked up and smiled when she saw Dusty. "Hi" She said gently.

Dusty rushed over to the bed and hugged Trix. "I'm so glad you're ok" Dusty whispered in her shoulder. Dusty removed her head from Trix's and just stared at her.

"Um hi?"

Dusty leaned in and kissed Trix on her lips. Trix was frozen for a second before she kissed back. They kissed for a bit before they both pulled back, breathing heavily.

"What was that?" Trix asked. "I don't even know but can I do it again?"
Trix didn't even answer, she just kissed Dusty and they made out.


"What do you need?" Trix and Toffee's mom asked. "I need to talk to you"

"About what?"

"Trix and-"

Before she could finish their mom started to choke Dusty.

'What the fuck is wrong with this woman'

Dusty kicked her in the kneecap which made their mom let go of Dusty's neck.Dusty tried to run but their mom had grabbed the back of her shirt and started dragging her in the house.

Dusty tried to escape but their mom grabbed a nearby trophy and hit Dusty in the head with it. Dusty fell to the ground and held the back of her head. Their mom then kicked her which made Dusty groan in pain.

Their mom then left and started screaming. Dusty got up off the floor, still in pain and tried to walk out the door but somehow out of nowhere their mom came back and grabbed Dusty.

She pushed Dusty to the ground, got on top of her and started choking her. She almost made Dusty pass out before Dusty found a broken piece of glass and cut their mom in the face with it. The mom let go of Dusty's neck and Dusty took a few breaths before pushing her off.

Dusty than "ran" to the kitchen and grabbed a machete she saw in there. She saw the mom slowly stalking towards her from the front room and Dusty held the machete towards her.

The mom then pounced at her and before she knew what she was doing, Dusty swung the machete at the mom and decapitated her.

Dusty stared in shock at the dead body in front of her before shakily grabbing her phone out of her pocket and dialing Aurora.

"C- can you help me hide a dead body?"




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