Chapter 8

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"It looks disgusting in here" Emily says, disgusted ."Technically 5 people died here and they never cleaned it so..." Colector told them.

"Why didn't they clean it?" Dusty asked confused, stepping over a leg ."Um I don't know actually"

They continued to walk further and further, while stepping over dead bodies, until they found 5 tents." Ok so at night we will sleep in a tent" Lizzy told them. Emily raised her hand.

"Yes Emily?" Lizzy asks." We aren't staying here forever, right? Because I don't want to be sleeping and walking over dead people until I'm 18"

"Girl, be quiet. We are only staying here until we kill those low life motherfuckers, but not before torturing them and then burying them in the ground, 6ft under." Collector said, everyone staring at her in horror except Lizzy who was staring at her in adoration.

"You are so precious my love" Lizzy said before kissing Colector. They started to get carried away before Dusty separated them. "We do not want to see that"

Collector just rolled her eyes and flicked Dusty in the head. "Shut up little girl"

" Ok guys go to bed, we will try to find food and supplies in the morning" Lizzy told the girls. "And no funny business" Collector said, throwing shade at Dusty and Trix.

"Are we cavemen now?" Emily asked. "No Emily, we are not cavemen" Collector replied, annoyed.

"I feel like a walking dead character" Emily said out of the blue. "Please be quiet Emily" Collector said. She was starting to get a headache from all of Emily's questions.

"Have you guys ever thought we are all just a part of a simulation game and this is a part of a quest or something?" Toffee said. "Of course you would say that" Trix said, rolling her eyes.

Toffee had always been a theorist and she's only been right once. It was when she theorized that Trix was going to meet a hot DARK VERY DARK woman that she loves.

'Well I don't know about love but I definitely like her'

"Its 450 degrees outside and we are here hunting like cavemen. WHY!!!!!" Dusty screamed dramatically.

'I bet I could make her scream louder than she just did' Trix gasped at her thought. 'Why the fuck did I just think that'

"1) Stop being dramatic, it's only 95 degrees outside 2) there's a house over there, so we can check if it has supplies" Collector told them, pointing ahead at a cabin in the distance.

"Thats a cabin idiot" Emily said before getting slapped in the head by Colector. "Don't talk back little girl"

They continued to walk ahead until they got in the cabin. They went inside and started to look for supplies. Trix and Dusty were in a room together searching for supplies,

"A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r-" Dusty sang before Trix interrupted her. "What are you doing?" Trix asked, genuinely confused. "Uh nothing"

(Remember when you started to sing the abc's to me Dusty ma'am?)

Dusty totally forgot Trix was in the room. It wasn't like Trix was forgetful or unnoticeable, she was just distracted and a little worried. If she were lighter and not SO DARK she would've been red in the face.

"No, I think- AH!" Trix screamed, as she felt a bite on her ankle.She looked down and saw what looked like a baby alien. "Ah!!" She screamed, jumping towards Dusty. "What- Ah!" Dusty screamed, finally noticing the little alien baby.

"WHAT IS THAT" Dusty yelled, scared. "I DON'T KNOW, LETS GO" Trix screamed, before they both ran out the room. When they got to the "living room" of the cabin they saw everyone else there and they ran towards them.

"Guys we saw an alien baby!" Dusty told them, scared. "Us too!" Emily said. "We have to get out of here!" Lizzy told them. They all nodded in agreement and ran towards the door. When they opened it, they saw aliens at the door, smiling devilishly at them.

"We have finally got you" One of the ugly aliens said before everyone's vision went black





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