Bo x Feminine Y/N PT. 1

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(this is my first time doing one-shots, sorry if it's a bit bad!!)

You recently bought an interesting knock-off Tamogotchi you found at a thrift store the other day. You thought it seemed interesting, and quite cute, so you bought it.

When you found the time to, you decided to play around with the little toy, and see if it was worth your cash or not. You turn the device on, and a puppy-boy character adorned in a blue hue and blue collar popped up on the small screen.

"O-Oh! Hey there! Wow, it feels like forever since I've seen you. You haven't forgotten about me, have you~?" he yelped excitedly.

"I haven't played on one of these little things in such a long time.." you thought. You notice the middle button on the bottom of the device, and figured that that's what would make the little character talk. You pressed the button again to see what he'd say next.

"Grrr..! I hate cats. Always so needy, and hogging your attention!!!" he growled. His little growl caught you off guard, but it seemed like a decent toy. You decided to explore the device a little more; looking at the back, taking closer look at the outer appearance, and so on. When you took a look at the back of it, you found the little copyright thing next to the battery casing. You scanned through the listing and found out the little pet's name is Bo. "What a cute and unique name.." you thought.

You flip the Tamogotchi device over and continue pressing the middle button for interactions and reactions. You mostly got cute responses, dog puns, and so on from what you expected. You've been pressing the button for a while, and he's quite entertaining!

"Have I ever mentioned? There's a secret surprise when you plug me into a computer! Just like a CD-Rom!" he barked.

"Interesting.. He did say computer, but it'll probably boot up on my laptop. I should get it and check out if it'll work!" you thought. Getting up from your bed, you search for and grab your laptop. You made it back to your bed, and grab the little device. When you bought it in the little plastic bag, it came with the wire to connect it with. Good thing, because you normally don't own too many wires like that.

You plug the wire into the Tamogotchi and then into your laptop. You searched your files to see if the device added a file, which it did, and so you clicked on it.

The file popped up a more updated, and visual, version of what was on the Tamogotchi toy. There was a button to click on for dialogue on the bottom right corner.

"It's basically the same thing, but I can see the character much better!" you thought to yourself. You took a closer look at Bo, and noticed how fluffy his hair, ears, and tail looked. He seemed too innocent and huggable! He was quite adorable. His collar was more detailed, with a heart button as the tag. He also wore a comfy, but cool, looking blue short-sleeved jacket with a plain white shirt. This made your face get a bit rosey after noticing all his handsome features.

You played for about 20 minutes more, until you got tired. You closed your laptop, put it on your nightstand, and drifted off to sleep.

You dreamed of meeting Bo in person and how kind he was. "He was the perfect guy.. No, he is the perfect guy..!" you thought. You and Bo just spent time together; going to the mall, buying slushies and sweets, just having fun..

UNTIL! You looked into his eyes, and pulled him closer, your noses practically touching. As you're about to smooch the pooch (I'M SORRY AS SOON AS I THOUGHT OF THE SAYING I HAD TO PUT IT 😭), he pushes you back, his hands on your sholders.

"L̶̖̲̓̕e̴̫͍͊t̸̳̒ ̷̭̻̙̉̋̅m̷̜̀é̶̼̋̒ ̶͉̼͎̐ọ̵̋ừ̶̰̹͎̽ṭ̶̈́̚͝ ̵̫̐o̷̗̼̽̓f̵̖̭̽ ̴̘̠́h̶̢̀ê̸͙̮̣̕r̵̖͚̀̒̌e̸̝͆!̶͓̑ͅ"


. . .

You suddenly wake up from your phone alarm! "God damnit.. when I FINALLY get a decent dream, it HAS to end!!" You sigh as you get up and get ready for work, still thinking about Bo. Just the thought of him makes you rosey all over again.

After an hour, you set off to work.


FINALLY DONE! I hope you enjoyed it! PART 2 IS OUT!! CHECK IT OUT, but it's gonna be a smut, so heads up!

word count: 750 words

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