Damon x Feminine Y/N Pt. 2

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(recap: you met Damon during your shift, and gave him your number. You then closed the store by yourself a bit earlier than usual because somebody, *COUGH COUGH* Rasmus *COUGH COUGH*, left you alone to finish your +his shift, too >:(. You then went home and fell asleep in your bed.)

Middle of the Night ( a little past 12:00 am)

You were snuggling close to your very fluffy pillows, basically melting into your endless supply of blankets on your bed. Every now and then, you'd shift your position in your sheets, since you started to feel yourself snap out of your sleepy trance.

You continued to do so until you heard a notification from your phone scream at you to open and check it. You sleepily picked up your phone, since you couldn't fall back asleep anymore at this point. You opened the notification, leading to your messages. You then check to find a new text message, claiming it's Damon!

Damon: hey, i know it's late and all, but i wanted to let you now this is Damon! the guy you met at the store you work at, i hope you remember that :). but to get to the point, i wanted to message you so you can save my contact sooner (i was hesitating if i wanted to message you this late or not, so sorry if i woke u)

You carefully read his paragraph, finding it cute and endearing. So, as he said, you added him to your contacts. As soon as you entered his name, you thought what his profile picture should be... until... you thought that a candy-cane suited him quite well!

You chose a cutesy looking candy-cane, because he was a cutie patootie when you met him of course~!

You chose a cutesy looking candy-cane, because he was a cutie patootie when you met him of course~!

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       (this is his pfp btw!! 🩷🩷)

You smiled at it, and then finally saved all the changes onto your phone. You put your phone down, staring at the ceiling and hoping for yourself to fall asleep eventually again. About 10-20 minutes pass, and you felt yourself dozing off once again! Sleeping so sound and softly~...


You hear somebody drop themselves into your apartment, tall and mysterious, going towards your computer, which you coincidentally left on and unlocked...

The mysterious figure was browsing through your files, apparently trying to find pictures of you?? Because you saw the figure pause to take a look at every photo of you that they had stumbled upon. You then saw the figure going through a few more things, then pausing to repeat something quietly for a bit.

You instinctively try to stay quiet and unexpected inside all your blankets, basically trying to see what the person what doing while also keeping a safe and secure distance; hoping for them to not come up to you next.

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