Sunny Day Jack x Gender-Neutral Y/N

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You wake up from your bed, having nothing to do, but you remembered that you got this funky little video tape you bought.

After watching the stuff video tape had to offer, you took it out of your TV and put it to the side. There was barely anything to watch (probably because the tape was only 25 cents), and it only showed a small clip of a kids show before cutting to a blue shadow staring at the screen until it shut off.

"Weird.." you thought. Ever since then, you've been noticing weird things happen. It got so weird one day, a huge, clown guy with blue fluffy hair appeared in front of you when you woke up. It freaked the ever living crap outta you!!!

Since then, this clown has been living with you (you also found out that his name is Sunny Day Jack, but he goes by Jack for short), but his intentions aren't harmful or bad in any way, so he's alright.

To be honest, he's actually quite helpful; he's been waking you up on time for work, motivating you, and even making you breakfast! It's been a long time since you've felt happy and was happy to make at least somebody happy, ever since what happened to Ian..

. . .

"Hey sunshine, it's time to wake up!" Jack said lovingly. You did NOT wanna wake up because the last time you woke up, you had to work an extra 6 hour shift on your day off!!! So, you buried yourself into your blanket like a small cocoon, not wanting to do anything at all, since you were given a free day off from last time.

"Y/N, you have to get up! Today is a fresh day to do so many things!" Jack tried convincing enthusiastically.
"..mhnnnnnnn... it's only, like.. 9:00am..? let me sleeeeeeep..." you sleepily mumbled.
"Sunshine, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's 1:00pm..!"

"Did I really sleep in that long?!" you thought. "..Fine. I'll get up..." you defeatingly said. You lazily popped out of bed, and in front of you was the huge, goofy, but caring clown.

"Morning, Sunshine! How'd you sleep?" Jack caringly asked.
"It's been a while since anybody checked up on me like this, even for the smallest things like this.." Your cheeks get a bit rosy from the love you desperately received.
"Hey, Y/N, are you ok?" he asked.
"OH-! Yeah, I'm good, Jack. I slept well, to answer your previous question, too."

Jack gazed into your eyes. It felt like you two were in a whole other world. After a bit, you reached for a hug, which he hugged you back. Jack then picked you up, bridal style and all, to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Hey Sunshine, what would you like to eat?" he asked.
"Hmm. What would you prefer to eat? I mean, you are the one who's making. breakfast, so I think it's fair enough for you to make what you want to eat, Jack!" you replied.

"Blueberry pancakes it is, then!" he excitedly exclaimed! You smiled as you watched him make the pancakes. "Damn, how can a ghost, spirit, thing, person(?) take care of me better than I can.." you gloomily thought. When Jack finished the plate of fluffy, thick, pancakes he saw how sad you seemed.

"Sunshine, what's wrong? Did I do or say something wrong?!" he exclaimed.
"..Jack, it isn't you, it's just I've realized it kinda seems like I'm incapable of taking care of myself and you just feel bad about that so you just do it yourself and I don't wanna use you in any way and-"
"Y/N," Jack interrupted. "you've done nothing wrong. You can take care of yourself, but sometimes people can use an extra boost, even if they don't realize it at the moment." Jack smiled. He seemed, and was, genuine about all he said.

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