Elias Gallegher x Gender Neutral Y/N

562 14 47

*(somewhat) smut warning!!!

(recap of game: You and your best friend, Taylor Potts, run a club in a university together, called the OHSIC (the Occult History & Sciences Investigation Club). Your job in this club is to find spirits, ghosts, and abnormal creatures as such. Sadly, it's just you and him in the group since nobody is interested to join, which is why you both are desperate to keep the group running. Taylor recently found a rumor of a haunted mansion and learned about its history. He then sends you in a wedding attire to lure the ghost out of its hiding. He drops you off to the mansion, with an earpiece in your ear so you both can communicate, and left to see if any results would come in. You then perform a small little ritual that has a chance to invite the ghost to possibly pity you, or even just react to you in general. After doing the ritual, nothing happens for a while, until you see a blue ghost floating its way down from a painting to you, to sympathize with you.)

The mysterious blue figure sways its way to you, a trail of its ghostly tail following in the back. "Oh, you poor thing~.." he said in a low purr, towering over you as you were left in shock that the ritual actually worked.

"Y-Yes.." you stuttered, trying to get your crap together and act out what you practiced for, so you and Taylor could learn more about the mysterious blue ghost.

"O-Oh~! Such a poor soul I am..!" you said, trying to keep your act up to lure out more information about him. "For I had been dumped upon my wedding day~.. my love shan't be true no more~!" you falsely sobbed to him.

He gazes down upon you, his deep blue eyes piercing through your heart. You felt a sudden pang of nervousness hit your heart, the kind that was.. flattering...

You started to admire his wedding attire, looking at all the hues of blues shining in front of your very eyes. He wore a lovely blue suit with a black bow tie and had a white lily in his pocket. You noticed he had some blood smeared and adorned onto the collar of his suit, but it didn't distract from his elegant and neat appearance.

His hair seemed fluffy, and soft. He seemed to be quite a charmer~.. After a while of locked eye contact, he broke the silence.

"So~.. your heart has been broken into a million by some street-tramp, hm~?" he quietly asked, his gaze looking stern, yet a hint of empathy found within it.

"Oh yes my dear~" you cried, exaggerating your actions by wavering your hand to your forehead as a sign of distress, in a fainting-like manner.

"For I have felt the same pain, my love~.." he lowly hummed. "My heart has been shattered into smithereens on my wedding day as well~" he continued, approaching you closer as he gently held you into his arms. His touch felt cold, but you welcomed it.

"I had never sought to bear such pain for it to spear into my heart like this before~!" you continued to cry, leaning into his arms to make you look more convincing.

"Oh you poor thing~.." he whispered, shaking his head slightly as he brought you into a hug. He sighs before letting you go, his hands placed onto your shoulders.

He locked into your gaze, his eyes filled with sorrow and love. "Is there any way I can make it up to you, my love~?" he whispered to you.

"H-Hey-! Bud, this is your chance! I researched about that Elias guy; turns out that he was killed on his wedding day or something, so if you play along with being his partner, we should be able to lure more info out of him!" Taylor  buzzed in the earpiece. Hesitantly, you decide to go with Taylor's idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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