Damon x Feminine Y/N PT. 1

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In the Afternoon (3:00pm)

You were just abandoned by Rasmus to continue your shift +the rest of HIS shift today because apparently he had a "very important gathering to go to", but what he basically told you he was going to a random pool party later today...

He threw you the keys to lock the shop up and then just ditched you.. "Such a jackass..." you thought. Most of the day you were just daydreaming, walking around the place, checking if anybody was going to come in every now and then, flipping through the magazines that were left on the counter, etc.

4 Hours Later (7:00 pm)

You've just started reading another gossip magazine, until you are startled by a stranger walk inside the store. He had fluffy red and white striped hair, like a candy-cane. He also wore a long jacket, which was odd in summer, but you didn't really say nor question anything. His eyes were a deep wine red, and he seemed a bit.. sad?

He looked like he was buying a bit of groceries, and you've realized you've never really seen him around before. He paces back towards the counter and made eye contact with you. For some odd reason, it made you fill with butterflies!!! You've had a few smalls crushes on a small handful of customers, but nothing more like this!

Taking a closer look at this mysterious man, he looked quite handsome, and shy too. He also had a frown on his face, which made you feel a bit sad for him, so you mustered up the courage to ask him what's wrong.

"Hello sir," you said. "You seem to be a bit down, are you ok?"
The stranger was snapped back into reality, as if he was zoned out for a bit. "I've been better.. I got rejected even though I've tried and did everything right..!" he replied.

You noticed him fidgeting with his fingers, looking to the side to avoid eye contact. You generally felt bad for him, and wanted to cheer him up by making a bit of small talk, after all, you're supposed to give a good impression on new customers!

"That must've been and felt tough.. But if I were that person, I'd definitely say yes! I mean, you look so handsome." you said, letting out a small laugh.

The customer's eyes beamed up as his face shot up with a bright, rosey, red. To be honest, it kind of complimented his hair in a cute way. "Y-You think I look good?? But handsome might be a strong word to use.." the customer mumbled out bashfully.
"Nonsense!" you exclaimed. "You're really good looking, I promise."

"What about me do you like..?" he said sheepishly.
"Well, I don't know you personally, but appearance wise you're really cute! With your fluffy hair, simple but shy smile, and don't get me started on how beautiful your eyes look~!" you flirted back. He is good looking, and it doesn't hurt to cheer up a customer after all! R̶̲̰͖͓͛̌̅̀͠i̵̢̭̤͇̾͊̇̃͠g̶͎̜̼̎̓͗ȟ̶͕͚̼́̎͒͝ṫ̴̩͉͍͈̈́̉͛ͅ?̶̱̔̾̏͂͜

"O-Oh~! Well, I think you're quite pretty, too.." he shyly mumbled. Just him being so kind stole your heart away!! He made you truly smile, it's been a while you smiled, too.. Ever since you moved away from your family and started your own life...

"H-Hey.!! Miss, are you ok? Was it something I said? I do apologize if it was my fault, I truly mean it..!" You zoned out in your thoughts... AGAIN!!!

"Sorry, sir!!! You did nothing wrong, I swear! I-I mean I normally don't swear but-" you cut yourself off to your thoughts again. "I am a mess, god dammit.." you thought. You took a deep breath, in and out, and tried speaking to the customer again.

"It's just been a while since I've felt good about myself, I recently moved out here, and my family just feels like they're rubbing salt in the wound.. And smiling and feeling happy just made me fill with a bit of thoughts..!" you said, shyly looking to the side, embarrassed about how silly the situation might seem to the customer.

"Oh, how the tables have turned, huh? No need to apologize, miss, you did nothing wrong, promise. I'm also glad I cheered you up, too!" he replied. He gave a small smirk, but it was genuine. It felt good to just vent a bit, too. You returned a small giggle to his joke, and gave him a smile.

The customer's cheeks grew a bright red again, but it was more subtle. "Hey, if I didn't say before, my name's Damon." he mentioned.
"Oh, my name is Y/N! But it's already on my name tag if you noticed~.." you replied, pointing at the name tag pinned on your shirt.

"Hm, Y/N, such a cute name~..!" he innocently teased back. "OH GEEZ I DIDN'T THINK HE'D FLIRT BACK-" you secretly panicked, but you tried keeping your cool as the best you could.

"Thank you, Damon~!" you kindly replied back. You gave him a small, but simple, smile. The two of you kept talking back to back for a solid 5-10 minutes.

. . .

"Oh-! How time flies!! Sorry to keep you so long, Damon. You should get going, sorry again!" you said, realizing it's about closing time. You quickly scanned all his items, bagged them, and had him pay.
"It's ok, Y/N, I've had some fun with you today." he replied.
"W-Wait! Before you go, would you like my number? You seem like a nice guy!" you quickly asked, before Damon was about to leave with his groceries.
"Sure, you seem nice, too." he kindly replied back.

You wrote your number on a purple sticky-note nearby on the counter with a blue pen right next to it. You decided to add small doodle, because why not! You also see some small candy-canes sitting to your right, so you grabbed them to give to him, too.

"Here! You can also keep the candy-canes, it's on me! These candy-canes sell out quite fast, too. It's a new peppermint flavor that's filled with ruby chocolate! I hope you'd like it..!" you said while you handed him two mini candy-canes with your number.

Your hands brush upon his, which makes him flinch a bit, but he takes your number and the candy into his palms. "Make sure you stay safe outside, especially at night! Don't want ya getting hurt." you reminded as you gave him another smile.
"Oh, I will~.." Damon replied.

You both said your goodbyes as he headed out. In 15 minutes you should be closing, but your boss probably wouldn't mind if you closed early, so you did. You turned off the lights, turned on security, and locked all the doors.

It seemed a bit sketchy outside, but then again it always seemed this sketchy.. especially at night.. But luckily, you managed to get home safely, and headed to bed.

"Today was a good day.." you thought to yourself, as you drifted yourself off to sleep.


I'm starting to run a bit out of ideas!!! 😭😭😭 If you guys (OR gals OR any other gendered pals!) have any suggestions, just comment and I'll see if I can work that out! :)

word count: 1,2199

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