Chapter 91-100

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  Chapter 91

  Transfer of benefits

  "The report letter stated that Comrade Anwar had a transfer of interests relationship with Comrade Liang Aiyun of the Nanhua City Clothing Factory. The letter also listed the specific manifestations of the transfer of interests between the two parties. For example: Comrade Anwar gave Comrade Liang Aiyun's son-- Comrade Cui Jingping has opened the door to convenience. In the transportation company's new employee evaluation, Comrade Cui Jingping was rated as excellent. Moreover, Comrade Cui Jingping was assigned easy transportation tasks many times, which seriously affected the normal operation of the transportation company."

  After hearing this long list of accusations, Anwar almost screamed. What a fun reason! This whistleblower is familiar with the internal operations of the transportation company, and he also knows about his relationship with Liang Aiyun, the factory director. It seems that this person is the only one.

  To be honest, Anwar didn't expect that the girl looked innocent. Although her psychological quality was very poor, she didn't expect her moral character to be so low.

  She actually didn't tell her something clearly in person, but instead stabbed her in the back.


  Don't look at Anhua. Is it so easy to penetrate her back? Even a dragon-slaying knife can't be inserted into it. She doesn't know who gave her the courage to report herself.

  Thinking of this, Anwar ignored Section Chief You's probing eyes. Instead, he smiled playfully and said, "Is this whistleblower Comrade Sun Lihua from our transportation company?"

  A question, but said in an affirmative tone.

  Section Chief You is also a wonderful person. He did not deny Anwar's speculation. Instead, he looked businesslike: "I'm sorry, Comrade Anwar. According to regulations, we cannot provide you with the specific information of the whistleblower."

  "Oh! I know, the whistleblower is indeed Sun Lihua. Thank you, Section Chief You, for clearing up the confusion."

  As soon as these words came out, the words Section Chief You wanted to continue to say were swallowed back. Several other cadres brought over by Section Chief You also coughed a few times.

  Good guy, this Comrade Anwar is a man who is going to be investigated. At this moment, it seems like they are investigating their section chief.

  Section Chief You smiled bitterly, shook his head, and continued to list the contents of the report letter one by one.

  But Anwar looked nonchalant.

  The calmer Anwar became, the more Section Chief You believed that this report was false. Therefore, he simply went to the core of the problem: "Comrade Anwar, can you explain clearly what your relationship is with Comrade Liang Aiyun of the quilt factory?"

  When Anhua heard this question, he smiled slightly: "I think you can ask Factory Director Liang about this question. Originally, this report involved me and her. You just came to me to inquire. It doesn't make sense. Simply call her over. Let's make it clear face to face."

  After saying this, Anhua smiled again and said: "If you don't mind, I would also be happy for you to invite the whistleblower over. I would like to see what her little head is thinking? Just watch me and Director Liang Just say a few words and you can report me."

  Section Chief You saw that she looked confident. After thinking about the procedures for investigating and reporting cases, he finally said: "This is not in line with the procedures for handling cases."

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