3.5K 187 158

1. When does the ONC start?

The official contest launch is February 1st. This is the day the prompts will be released and you can start working on your story.

2. Where are the prompts?

The prompts will be posted in a new separate chapter in this book on February 1st. Make sure to add this book to your library and/or follow our profile if you want to be notified once they go live.

3. Can I co-write a novella with a friend?

Yes. We ask that co-written stories are entered only once by one account. The user who has published the co-written story on their profile will be the one contacted about any prizes. In the event that a co-written story gets a shoutout from a profile, both author names will be mentioned.

4. Are poems allowed?

No. Unfortunately, we are not accepting poetry for this contest.

5. Will I lose my story rights if I win the contest?

No. You will not lose the rights to your story whether you win or not. You will retain the rights to your story entries.

6. Can I use more than one prompt for my story?

You may utilise more than one prompt for your entry. However, when filling out the submission form, please indicate the prompt that is the most recognizable or most prevalent in the story.

7. Can I enter the contest even if I don't live in the US or Canada?

Yes. This contest is open to everyone, no matter where you live.

8. I'm not 18 yet, does that mean I'm not allowed to enter?

The ONC doesn't have an age limit. Be aware though that you need to be at least 13 years of age in order to have an account on Wattpad.

9. Can I rewrite a previously existing story to fit the prompt?

No. This must be a brand new story written specifically for the challenge. It wouldn't be fair to other contestants who follow the rules and begin a new story while you recycle something you've already written. This can be a new story arc, a prequel, or even a sequel, but the contents must be a brand new story written for the Open Novella Contest using one of our prompts. Anything that was previously published cannot be used.

10. Are the prompts genre-specific, or can I use them any way I want to?

Although the prompts are separated into genre categories, you are free to use any prompt for any genre of your choice. We designed them to be as broad as possible so you can write the kind of story you envision.

11. Can I use the prompts even if I don't enter the contest?

Of course! You may use the prompts for any of your stories even if you're not participating in the contest. And you don't have to give us credit.

12. Are LGBTQIAP+ stories allowed?

We welcome all diverse and inclusive stories for submission to the ONC.

13. Are the judges or contest team participating in the contest?

No. The monitoring team and judges will not be participating in this contest to ensure fairness.

14. Can my novella be rated mature?

Yes. Mature stories are allowed. However, please make sure your story follows Wattpad Content Guidelines. 

15. Can I continue to write and update as the judging period goes on?

You may continue to write and update towards the next milestone word count to stay ahead of the game. However, we ask that you do not update or edit the word count that is currently being judged.

16. Can I continue writing past the 20,000-word limit?

Yes. We are accepting stories that are between 20,000–40,000 words for this contest.

17. Does my cover get judged as well?

No. Multimedia will not be judged at all. Only the content and technical parts of the story will be judged.

18. What does Open stand for in Open Novella?

This means that the contest is open to any genre as long as your story follows one of the given prompts.

19. Is this contest sponsored by Wattpad HQ?

No. This contest is organised, managed, and judged in its entirety by the Ambassadors Team, which consists of users who volunteer their free time to Wattpad.

The Open Novella Contest is not affiliated with Wattpad or its staff. If Wattpad decides to feature or otherwise recognize any of this contest's entries at any time, that's entirely Wattpad's choice. It does not impact the ONC team's decision over the winners of this contest in any way.

20. Do prologues and author's notes count toward the word count of my novella?

Prologues are part of the storytelling, so they will be counted towards the word count. Author notes, aesthetics, and playlists are not part of the narrative, so they will not be counted towards the word count of the story. Only parts that go into the storytelling will be counted toward the word count.

21. Does my entry have to be written in English?

The OpenNovellaContest profile is hosting the contest in English only. However, several fellow profiles are hosting ONC in their respective languages that you can check out. Please see the complete list of communities in the Community Appreciation chapter of this contest book.

22. What timezone will the 2024 Open Novella Contest follow?

All submission deadlines for this year's Open Novella Contest will follow Toronto / Eastern Standard time. For more information about the submission deadlines, check out the Schedule chapter.

23. Can I take a prompt and write spin-offs of the stories I have already written? Yes. However, the story you enter in the contest must be able to be read as a stand-alone and not require that other stories be read in order to understand the entry.

24 . Can I change the title of my book after submitting it for the contest?

Yes. If you do make any changes to your story title or to your username, please indicate the changes on the form.

25. Can I submit more than one story?

Yes. You are allowed to submit more than one story to the contest. Multiple stories from each participant are eligible to be longlisted and shortlisted as well! However, only one of your stories can be listed as Grand Winner should you make it to our Shortlisters.

26. If I don't make it to the next round, can I continue writing my story?

Yes. We encourage you to keep writing! Not all stories will make it through the rounds, but we'd love for you to succeed in completing your novella. Your story deserves to be told and you can still claim the milestone stickers.

27. Can I change the prompt a little? For example the characters' genders, the setting, or another specific detail?

You are able to adjust prompt details to better fit your story. As long as it is still clear to the judges which prompt you based your story on.

Open Novella Contest 2024Where stories live. Discover now