°•○▪︎■|Chapter 5|■▪︎○•°

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The silence was still heavy, but Ethan decided to continue. "But if Moreau has nuclear launch codes, you can bet Cobalt's gone from a person of interest to enemy number one." Benji interrupts the conversation between the three when he says, "We're here."

Here was in an old road where no car drives anymore with exception of the four at the moment. They stopped the car under a relatively old bridge. The walls surrounding them were covered in graffiti and Russian posters. Once the car stopped Ethan opened the sliding door of the car, stepped out of it and crossed the street where in front of him is an old telephone box. As soon as he stepped out of the van Sara and Jane along with Benji - he just poked his upper body out of the window--, followed his example. He enters picks up the phone's handset and puts it near his ear, then he presses the buttons where the numbers are on in some sort of combination and a panel opens. He leans down slightly, just enough so that he the panel can scan - for the second time that day-his eyes. After that a lady's voice sounds through the phone saying, 'Agent confirmed' and on the display pops up his name 'Agent Hunt'.

While the trio was waiting Jane asked a valid question "Why was he in prison?" Uncertain Benji looks at his "niece" only to find out that she was already looking at him. This was her chance to finally find out more about her father's past. Without many options, Benji gave up quite easily and began to tell what he knew and what he could say without revealing too much. "He disappeared after he and his wife... you know. I thought he'd just been transferred. Put on leave. There were rumors, though. Talk of an unsanctioned hit." With that being said Benji fell silent again. Sara was grateful for it so she could have a moment to process what was just said. But she was brought back to reality when she heard the faint, very faint voice of a man talking to her dad, informing him what happened while he was in jail and explaining to him what hid next mission will be.

Seeing the concentrated gaze on Sara's face, Benji asked -knowing that she has an exceptional hearing- "What is it saying?" Jane, who didn't know about her talent, just looked at the two confusedly. "If you continue talking, I will never hear anything!" Sara just hissed back.

While listening to the man speak Ethan looks at the little screen where various images show up to understand the situation better. "Welcome back, Mr. Hunt. In your absence, IMF has learned that Cobalt is or was a level-1 nuclear strategist for Russian intelligence. Therefore, the only way to uncover his actual identity is to infiltrate the Kremlin itself-" Benji supposed that the shocked on Sara's face was not a good sign, but he resisted the urge to ask anything. "-In order to get past their checkpoints, you'll be impersonating General Anatoly Fedorov. We believe Cobalt will do everything he can to destroy any record of his identity. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to penetrate the highly-secured archive inside the Kremlin and retrieve Cobalt's file before he can destroy it. New intel suggests Cobalt is already in route, leaving you...4 hours 52 minutes... to infiltrate. To save time, we've chosen your team for you. Agent Carter and Dunn and the newest addition to the IMF, Agent Sara Hunt. As always, should you or any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This message will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Ethan"

If her face was full of shock before, Benji doesn't know what her facial expression means now.

Just the second after Ethan hung up the phone a countdown of 5 seconds started. He turned around and walked back to the van. The look on his daughter's face told him that she heard in what the mission consisted of. Stopping in front of the van he turns his head back slightly confused as to why the message did not self-destruct itself. So, he turned around back fully and gave a good hit on the phone, as soon as his fist collided with the phone it imploded, only a few sparks could be seen. Turning back to the van again Jane finally asked the question that was on hers and Banji's mind.

"What do you got?" Stopping directly in front of the van Jane turns around to face Ethan while Benji and Sara go back into the van. "We're going into the Kremlin." Letting out a nervous chuckle Benji says "I thought you said, 'The Kremlin'-" Thinking Ethan was joking he looked to Sara only seeing the same expression on her face, that her father had. "- I thought you said, 'The Kremlin'." He repeated. Not receiving and answer this time too, he backs down, having finally understood that neither Sara nor Ethan where messing with him and Jane. "Okey". After the van doors where all closed the took off, preparing themselves for the new mission.


Very short chapter I know, but the next one is going to be at lest twice as long and the tension is going to be overwhelming soooooooooooooooo i guess it's a win win situation.

so what do you think of this chapter? let me know. i'm curious to read what you guys think


anyway....have a great day or night who knows. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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