chapter 14

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A/N: Hiiiii! Happy New Year!!! I'm back from winter break :> sooo.. hi :> I went to the mall and changed up my style a bit- It's like a cyber-y2k with all different forms of alt incorporated in it! I look amazing!!! I'm focusing on bettering myself so.. mission sorta accomplished in the physical aspect? anywayssss onto the story!!

The guards and nurse left the room but stood outside the door. I sat down on the floor, and Gerard did the same. He softly smiled. "Well.. do you know when you get out of here?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. He softly shrugged but then stopped himself as he thought. "Actually.. I think I get out of here innnnn.. like a month?" He said, I softly groaned. A month?!

I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, "This sucks, babe.." I mumbled, he made a noise of agreement as he laid his head on mine. We sat there in silence for a moment before he spoke again. "I don't like it here.." He said. "I know.. I'm sure they do horrible things here.." I said as I thought of all they had probably done.

I look over to a spot on the wall, it had been drawn and written on. I scooted over to it and brought Gerard with me. "What's this?" I asked, he looked at it and smiled. "Oh! I snuck a pen in here with me when I first came here- So I drew on the wall out of sheer boredom" He smiled, I giggled, and looked at all the writing and art. I saw a small portrait of me in the corner with the words, "My Love" all around it. I smiled. 

"Baby.. Your art looks so good!" I kissed his cheek. He smiled and then kissed my lips.

-45 Minutes Later-

"Visit time is over, miss." The nurse called as she walked through the door with Gerard's straight jacket and cuffs. We both groaned and looked at each other. "Don't worry, ma'am, Gerard gets phone privileges!" She said. I kissed Gerard once more and stood up, "Call me soon!" I said, he nodded with a smile on his face as the nurse put him in his jacket and cuffs. I waved goodbye and told him I'd visit soon, then I left.

I can't believe he has to be in this hell for a whole month! People are just stupid.. I walked out of the center and called a taxi. When it arrived, I asked it to go to Mikey and Frank's house. 

When I arrived, I knocked on the door and was greeted warmly with hugs. I explained everything to Mikey, and he wasn't too thrilled about me still being with Gerard. But he didn't say anything besides, "Just be careful." Frank was drinking a soda and watching tv. "Y'all want to play Mario Kart? I just got a switch from Mikey for my birthday.." Frank mumbled, me and Mikey looked at him excitedly. "Sure!" We both said. "Jinx!!!!"

We played Mario Kart until it was past midnight. I had, of course, kicked their asses. "How did you beat me?! I've played all of the Mario Karts every day after school until the time I was in 8th grade!!" Frank whined, I just smiled and kicked up my feet onto the coffee table. 

"Whatever!!!" He yelled. We both smiled and started laughing. I looked at the clock and slightly gasped, "It's so late!" I said as I stood up. Frank and Mikey seemed unphased, "yeah?" Mikey started, "you can just stay here? My room is free, I can take the couch." Frank finished Mikey's sentence.

"Okay, if you insist.. Do you have anything I can change into?" I asked Frank, he nodded and led me upstairs. He dug through his closet and pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to me. I sat on his bed and he left. I put the shirt on and went downstairs. "Do y'all have any hot tea?" I asked, Mikey walked over to the kitchen and opened a cabinet, revealing all sorts of tea. "Take your pick!" He said. 

I grabbed Green Tea and put a pot of water to boil. When it finished, I poured it into the cup and let the tea steep. When it was done, I sipped on it until there was none left. "Okay, I'm going to bed, goodnight guys!" I said as I went upstairs and into Frank's room. I laid in the bed and about 20 minutes later, I was fast asleep.


(CONTINUATION) Dear Diary, I'm Crazy For Her (GERARD WAY X READER)Where stories live. Discover now