1 - Let Em' R.I.P.

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(Haha get it? Instead of Let Er R.I.P.!! I made it Em!! Cause them!! They/them!! Hahaaaa.... Uh.. okay fine I'll stop— do note that this story starts off at the last part of episode 5, everything from season 1, until s2 episode 5 are completely canon in the story, but everthing after that episode will slowly change into my AU! Hopefully no confusion there! Now I'll stop blabbering, bye!!) 

Peace, Quiet, Silence.. it was all quiet, as they laid on the ground, sleeping very uncomfortably from all the boredom...


"Paintbrush.. psst.. Paintbrush...!" A whisper spoke, nudging the sleeping paintbrush softly to wake them up

Paintbrush had been sleeping all night at the calm down corner, fearing Lightbulb's useless scolding if she had found them not there, which made them sleep very uncomfortably, cold, and lonely, which they didn't mind that much because of the peace and quiet.. but it was still tiring..

"Paintbrush please! Pssst!! Wake up..!!" The whisper nudged the paintbrush more aggressively and repeatedly

"Ngh.. Wh.. What- what do you want?!" Paintbrush spoke sleepily, sitting upwards as they rubbed their eyes and yawned, visibly annoyed and tired

"I-I'm sorry b-but can you please h-hide me away from Apple? Sh-she isn't letting me breathe alone anymore! We've been doing so much things for H o u r s ! !" Marshmallow spoke, looking around, feeling worried that Apple might appear at any moment and suddenly drag her back to the finger painting session

Paintbrush was definitely irritated, but they couldn't help themselves, they felt guilty for her and got up, stretching their back and their arms "Yikes, that must be annoying.." Paintbrush spoke, patting Marshmallow's head softly, as they noticed that she hadn't slept that well either "Don't worry, I'll walk with you tonight, plus, it seems like she isn't here.. yet"

Marshmallow's worried face changed into a warm, grateful smile "Oh, thank you Paintbrush! Thank you!! You're a life saver!" She spoke softly, hugging them in glee

Paintbrush's sleepy, irritated face slowly formed a small smile, patting her head once more "It's nothing, really.. Plus, you look like you're in bad shape, want to sit on my head?" They offered jokingly, as they saw her clearly tired from all the running away she's been doing all night 

"Really?! Wow! Thank you Paintbrush!" She spoke as she smiled more widely, appreciating their kind gesture

"I-.." Paintbrush sighed, knowing that saying it was a joke would make her sad, plus.. she really did need a break from all that running.. "No problem.." They split their soft bristles in half and signaled Marshmallow to sit on top, Marshmallow softly gripped their shoulders to push herself upwards, as she sat on top comfortably, snuggling in between their bristles

"Don't you dare pull my hair though, you can hold onto my head just in case you might fall" They spoke, not really used to their bristles being touched, in fact, not being used to anyone sitting on their head, which made them worry a little about if they got angry, but they shook away the thought and started walking, silently, as they both calmly looked at the stars in the big black ink

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