3 - Smile For The Camera!

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Paintbrush was fast asleep, and so was everyone else, it was all peaceful and quiet, until a small sound of footsteps came closer to the cabin

The footsteps got louder and slowly approached the door, when they tried to unlock it, it didn't budge, they got frustrated and groaned loudly, and left

Suddenly, they came back, unlocked the door, slammed the door open, opened the windows and shouted "WAAKKEEE UPPP EAVERYBOADY!! MISTA PHONE IS WAAITING FOURR YAAULLL!! WAAKKEEE UUUPPP!!" The voice was.. very earbleedingly high pitch and.. British?

Some got startled by the door slam, then the shouting, while others got startled from the shouting

"Wh.. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! MY GOD!!" Paintbrush shouted, utterly tired and exhausted, all of that sleep didn't work for them at all, it's as if they stayed up all night

"Painty! Good morning!" Lightbulb smiled warmly, sitting on their bed beside them "How was your sleep?"

Paintbrush squinted their eyes, still utterly tired and shocked "Wh.. why are you.. so happy to... *yawn* .. see me..?" They spoke as they rubbed their eyes tiresomely

"II SAID LETTS GOU TO MISTAA PHOOOOOONNEEEE!! GET UP!! COME ON!!" Toilet continued, accidentally spitting at Apple

"EWWWW!! WHAT THE HECK!! wait.. uh.. what does heck mea-" Apple spoke, before she got cut off by Paintbrush

"OKAY OKAY JEEZ!! PLEASE STOP TALKING!" Paintbrush shouted and got up, still utterly tired, Lightbulb stands too, and puts her hands on her hips

"YEAH TOILET FACE!! CALM DOWN! WE CAN HEAR YOU!!" she shouted, then innocently smiled and looked at Paintbrush, waiting to see their smile

Paintbrush looked at Lightbulb in confusion, but didn't mind, at least someone is on their side.. They didn't really smile, they just scratched their head and tried to wake themself up

Lightbulb frowned a bit, but she's got all day to try and make them smile, so she's got nothing to worry about! Right?

"Oh-oh.. okay.." Toilet frowned and left the cabin, as they all took their time to wake up and follow him

They all got out of the cabin, and walked together, Marshmallow beside Lightbulb, Paintbrush on the other side, while Test tube and Fan were ahead of the team, talking and laughing with each other about the phones they saw last night

Apple walking alone, in front of Lightbulb, Paintbrush, and Marshmallow, but behind Fan and Test Tube

Unsure why Marshmallow was so angry at her, she thought to herself 'What did I do? Why did she shout at me? Why did she suddenly make me get flyed out of the hotel? Wait.. was it flyed or flung again? Ugh!'

She tried to approach Marshmallow but she gave her a death stare, which made Apple hesitate and change her mind, as she continued to angrily think to herself what had happened and why she's being treated like this

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