2 - Burning Questions

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"Painty! Helloo!! Whatcha doin?" Lightbulb spoke, with a wide and gleeful smile across her face

"Doing great actually! I was just finishing up this painting.. What do you think of it?" Paintbrush spoke, a lot more happier than they were before they slept

"It's perfect!" She replied, holding their hands and gazing into their eyes warmly "I love you, Paintbrush" She spoke, then hugged them softly

"I-I.. I love you too dear.." They smiled, embracing the hug and squeezed her affectionately, as if they were the happiest object alive

"I'll miss you." She spoke, suddenly her voice monotoned, and her face darkened

"What..? Where are you going?" They asked, a bit confused 

She let go of the hug, held their hands tightly, her face filled with tears and cracks started to form all around her glass body 

"I don't know, but I'll miss you anyways" She spoke softly into their ear

"Lightbulb..?" They stood there, completely horrified, they started to breathe heavily and sweat 


Paintbrush suddenly woke up, they didn't get startled or anything, they just woke up on their own, they were completely confused, they noticed their heavy breaths and how stressed they felt, it's almost as if they literally felt her touch

They quickly looked beside them to find Lightbulb peacefully sleeping, they sighed, thinking that she was hurt for a moment, they sighed in relief, then sat up, clutching the blanket in shock and horror

"What..? What the hell was that dream? Since when did she love me?? Why.." They placed their hand on their forehead, giving themself a moment to wake up properly, until they started to gain more focus 

They spoke, their voice slowly getting louder "That was.. definitely a dream, but.. I've never had dreams in a while, and my sleep schedule can show that.. This doesn't make any sense.. Why does nothing make any sense?! I'm sick of thi—"

Lightbulb suddenly snores loudly, making them get startled and flinch, they sighed "I.. should probably whisper.. plus I'm not interested in waking her up, at least.. not yet.. What time is it?"

They looked at the nightstand in between their beds, and looked at the small clock that's blinking "Seriously? 3am? How coincidental.." They thought for a moment, trying to process their dream, until suddenly a small whisper from the other side of the room spoke 

"Psst! Paintbrush!" Marshmallow spoke, she clearly hasn't slept at all, did she stay up this late?

"Marshmallow! You're awake too?" They replied with a loud whisper, "Yeah! I can't stop thinking about the challenge and bow" she spoke, as they both whispered loudly to each other from across the room

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