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-𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐈 lit the end of her arrow, glowing fire now coating the sharp point. Everyone watched as she carefully aligned the bow with the long weapon, before bringing it to her shoulder and pulling back.

She squinted while directing the arrow. Her deep blue eyes focused on creating the perfect shot. Once it looked flawless, she released her grip and watched it fly through the air.

Claps arose from the crowd when they spotted her perfect bullseye. She relaxed her arms by her side, bow still in her sweaty palm. Archery had always come easy to her, so tricks like these didn't impress her much. She was more satisfied with herself when she completed a challenging task.

"Who's that?" Asked Percy, who was staring from a distance. It was hard not to just watch her in awe, for her magical looks made her stand out in a crowd.

"No, no. I already know her name. I want to know her." He declared, annoyed no one would inform him of something other than this mysterious woman's name.

"Only daughter of Aphrodite, fourteen, extremely talented. She could probably help us if you're trying to discover your skills." He explained more about the girl. Percy was confused on how Aphrodite only had one half-blood, but he let it go.

"This is all surface level bullshit." 

Luke just sighed, unsure of what else to say. They trained every day together, so why couldn't he recall any personal details about her?

"If you want to know more about her, then you can talk to her. I will warn you though, she hasn't really let anyone in since the..incident"  He snapped back. Luke was slightly upset with himself. Did he really not know anything about her? They had known each other for years. 

"Incident?? What is that supposed to mean?" The young boy was caught off guard by his strange usage of words. What happened to her? 

"She's had an... unfortunate past. It really isn't my place to tell you. Let's just focus on you right now." Percy's face scrunched up at his poor response, but he let it go. 

"Lorelei! Loreleiii!" Luke shouted, making sure to accentuate the 'i' in her name. Percy internally freaked out. What the hell what Luke doing?! He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to fix every flaw before she arrived.

Lorelei turned her head upon hearing the shouts of her name, and she approached the two boys, smiling. Her silky hair bounced with every step, and the sun shown on her skin perfectly, casting a dewy glow. She had cut her neon orange t-shirt, so it draped off her shoulder. She managed to pull off even the ugliest of clothing. 

"Hi! What's up?" The gorgeous girl said, and Luke shared their situation.

"Percy," he put his arm around the short boys shoulder, and Lorelei gave him a friendly nod. "is looking for glory. We figured you could maybe help us?"

"Of course! Let's start with archery."

Lorelei handed him a bow, and showed him how to hold it properly. Even though he was only fourteen, Percy towered over the girl. She couldn't help but blush at the touch of his silky fingertips. Lorelei moved off to the side while he grabbed an arrow, and another camper held out a lighter.

Lorelei quickly shut her down, shaking her head and widening her eyes to express how bad of an idea it would be. The other girl just shrugged.

The second he pulled back to shoot, Lorelei freaked out. He was holding it wrong, and if he let go it would be tragic.

She tried to warn him, but he was already releasing. The arrow wildly flew through the air, causing campers to drop to the ground to avoid getting pierced. Luckily, the spear hit the ground with a sharp thud.

Lorelei looked a Luke, and they made a unanimous decision that archery was not for him.

"Should I try again?" Percy asked, glaring back at the two.

"No!" Almost everyone shouted, and Percy took the hint.

"Maybe you're more of a blacksmith." Lorelei decided, and began walking away. The boys followed shortly behind.

It was a decent walk to the welding building, so Percy was determined to talk to the girl on the hike. Eventually, he caught up to her, Luke trailing behind. 

"So, are you the girl that was stalking me earlier?" Percy asks, out of breath from running, but trying to start a conversation.

Lorelei was shocked by his bluntness. Looking back, maybe that wasn't the best conversation starter for a girl he liked.

"Ah, Grover told you. I wouldn't say stalking. I was just.. observing."

"Observing? You were hiding in the bushes." Percy says, letting out an awkward chuckle.

Lorelei just smiled, since the workshop was in front of them, and their walk was over. Luke was listening to their conversation, and cringed at the boy's terrible attempt at flirting. Although, somehow it was working, because Lorelei found herself infatuated with him.

She grabbed an apron, goggles, and gloves and handed them to Percy. Lorelei was an okay blacksmith, but she had a son of Hephaestus demonstrate for him. 

Luke gently pushed Percy's back, signaling it was time for him to try. He held the tools as instructed, and went to hit the sword with his hammer.

His first strike went well, but the second attempt sent the scolding hot metal soaring through the air, and onto a stack of burlap sacks that caught fire immediately.

Percy looked up with a panicked manner, and all Lorelei could do was giggle. He looked so silly with those glasses on. Luke quickly escorted him out of the chaotic situation.

"Is there a Greek god of disappointment? Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid." Percy asked, sitting at the table with Luke, Lorelei, and one of Luke's friends, Chris.

"Oizys.. but she's a goddess. And her whole thing isn't really disappointment, it's more like failure." Chris shared his knowledge while messing with his food.

No one really payed mind to his comment. Poor Chris.

"We're gonna find the thing that you're good at. I know it." Luke encouraged.

The soothing chime of a bell prevented Percy from replying.

"Our turn." the girl said, slightly annoyed due to the interruption.

"Our turn for what?" Percy asked cluelessly, as everyone stood up.

"Burnt offerings. The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer." Luke replied.

"They like the smell of burnt mac & cheese?"

"They like the smell of begging. You burn what you'll miss the most. Then they know you really mean what you're about to say, so they listen." She walked away after explaining, tray in hand.

Lorelei was still stranded in the vast ocean of secrets. Although, she was now floating along the treacherous waves instead of being dragged under.

But how long can a person float on their own?


" now and then you miss it, sounds make you cry "

- frank ocean (self control)

a/n- FINALLY they meet  

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