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-𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐘 sharply hit the hard ground, now scared shitless for what was coming. His breathing rate dramatically increased, the cold air filling his lungs. He had been caught by Clarisse's gang wandering outside, and they had shoved him into the communal bathrooms. 

"Every new kid shows up here and they think they're special. Do you think you're special?" Clarisse asked, a prominent scowl on her face. She was a bitch to almost everyone, although few understood why. 

"No." Percy uttered, still disheveled on the dirty floor. Two of Clarisse's minions swiftly traveled towards him, roughly grabbing him and pulling him back up. Percy wiped his hands on his jeans, clearing the dust -and even a little blood- from them.

"Tell me you made it all up about the Minotaur, and I'll let you go." The fearless leader proposed, still in denial of his story. Percy stood his ground, not one to just let things go.

"I didn't make anything up." He says, panicked. His mind floods with ideas on how to escape, yet none of them seemed plausible. 

"Some kids gotta learn the hard way."

Percy was forcefully dragged towards a filthy bathroom stall. Clarisse's friends pushed him back down, his head now facing over a toilet. She just laughed as he tried to push them away, his desperation clear.

"What, your girlfriend isn't here to help you up?" She chuckled, taunting him. Clarisse was referring to Lorelei, who had so honorably stood up for him previously.

Percy continued to struggle, unable to defend himself. Suddenly, the toilet strangely flushed with no human assistance, and the goons took a cautious step back. Everyone was curiously glancing around, until water powerfully shot out in three different directions. It missed Percy, but managed to nail his bullies.

They went flying as the intense stream knocked them down. The water shortly fell, coating the bathroom in its disgusting germs.

Percy had no clue as to what just happened. He was mentally alarmed, wondering how the hell he was going to clean this up. He stood up along with the others, and watched as they scattered away.

While he was inspecting the damages, a girl appeared in his peripheral vision. She carefully glared at him, and Percy knew she saw the whole ordeal.

"I can explain." He started.

"No, you can't." Annabeth replied, knowing he was unsure how he managed to cause that destruction.

"Okay... Wait, I know you."

"No, you don't." Little people truly knew Annabeth, and Percy was definitely not one of them.

"Yeah, but you were there. That night in the infirmary." His memory was quite strong, and he vividly remembered seeing the same girl a day ago.

"Yes. I'm Annabeth."

"Are you stalking me, Annabeth?" Percy asked, sarcasm lingering in his words.

She just shrugged. "Yes."

"Is everyone here a stalker?" The boy shouted. First Lorelei, now Annabeth?

"Who else has been stalking you?" She asked, extremely confused. She hadn't noticed anyone else around, but maybe she needed to play closer attention. A daughter of Athena needed to stay sharp and in control. 

"Lorelei." Annabeth slightly cringed when she heard her name, but played it off as Percy continued. "So, why have you been creepily watching me?"

"Well, I've been waiting to see if something like this would happen. So I'd know if you can help me."

"Help you do what?" Percy questioned. Although, he was sure he wouldn't be much help anyways. Today had proven he wasn't talented like the others here. Would his father ever claim him if he remained a failure?

"Win Capture the Flag."

The night continued on, and Percy just headed back to bed. Why was this game such a big deal to everyone? Sure it was a fun tradition, but stalking someone seemed a little excessive. 

As the sun arose the next morning, Lorelei found herself in the same spot as always. Few campers were up this early, most catching up on their sleep for the game today. It was a shame not many were witnessing this gorgeous sunrise. Bright pink hues mixed with deep shades of orange and purple to create a scene worth capturing.

As she glared down into the deep green-ish water, her mind raced. Who was this 'Percy,' and why was he such a big deal to her?

The familiar sound of leaves crunching made her head snap quickly, staring at the source of the interruption. Speak of the devil, there Percy was in all of his glory walking towards her.

"Shouldn't you be training or something?" He asked, taking a seat on the sharp rocks next to her. It was weird of him to be so casual around her, considering that they had only met recently.

"I could say the same for you." She retorted, wondering why he of all people would be joining her.

"Fair. What are you doing out here anyways? I'm surprised a daughter of Aphrodite is out here instead of doing her hair." He joked with her, hand reaching for his blond curls.

She let out a genuine laugh before responding.

"I like to think. Helps me cope, I guess." Her answer was vague, unhelpful really, but Percy didn't push for more information on what she was coping with.

"Why?" He inquired, facing her.

Her eyes went wide, a shocked expression painted on her face. He began to apologize, fearing he stepped out of line.

"You don't.. don't have to tell me anything I was-"

"No, no, no! It's just.. no one's really ever asked me that." She stoped him, hoping he still wanted to hear about her wild thoughts.

It was now his turn to be surprised. "Really? No one? It would be hard not to notice you sitting out here every day."

"They notice, they just don't care."

"Oh." That's the only thing Percy could think to respond with. He was never really good at comforting others in need. He tended to show his remorse with actions, not words.

"I usually just dream of different life. One where I'm not a demigod, not stuck here." She shared. This was her first time admitting to these feelings.

It was freeing, but somehow also scary. She didn't know him that well, so why was she so comfortable sharing these personal secrets? So many unanswered questions had popped up since he found his way to this camp. 

"I get that. I mean, I've only been here for two days, but it's not exactly all fun and games. When did you arrive?"

"I was five, and I arrived here with my twin sister. My dad was murdered by my mother, so my aunt drove us here and dipped. Haven't left camp since." Lorelei cringed, realizing she probably shouldn't he trauma dumping to this poor boy who was already going through so much. 

"Wait, sister? Luke said there was only one-"

"Hey! Let's go, it's Capture the Flag today and I am not losing to Clarisse." Lukes voice echoed through their ears, his unexpected appearance scaring them slightly. He would ask more about her later, but for now it was game time.

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