3.16 Welcome to the tombs

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Iza is sat on her bed in the cell, Ben is packing her stuff while she is braiding her hair. "Ben?" she asks after a while.

He hums as he looks up at her, she blushes a bit as she holds her hand out to hold his. He nods as he sits down on the stool in front of her. "I know i might be seen as insane. That i was depressed a week ago. That i was shot in my back and am paralyzed in more than half my right leg. But people are dying all around us and i don't to lose you before telling you that..." she stops looking down at their hands before looking into his eyes, "I love you, Benjamin. And i have been falling in love with you since the moment we met. But i have been stupid enough to hide it because i have been terrified of losing you too. But with everything now...I need you to know how much i love you," she says with tears in her eyes.

Ben has been looking at her in shock since she looked into his eyes and told him that she loved him. He smiles softly with tears in his eyes before he kisses her passionately.

His hands go behind her ears as he pulls her closer. She kisses him back with the same passion until there is knocking on the celldoor. "It's time," Rick says after they both pulled back and looked at him.

They both nod and Rick takes the bag while Ben picks her up. Iza puts her arms around him as Rick walks out of the cell. "By the way, I love you too," Ben whispers making Iza smile as she kisses him again.

They walk out to the vehicles where Ben puts her in the jeep. She looks at her dad who walks over to her, he puts his forehead against hers. "You are my only family, little one. Be careful, please," he whispers.

"I always will, dad," she whispers before kissing his cheek.

He nods as he kisses her forehead before walking to his bike. In the woods, Iza just waits in the jeep, she is quiet while she has her bow and arrows out.

During the shooting, she looks at Judith who is laying next her on the passengers seat. Carl shoots a boy that is just about the hand over his gun.

Iza stares at Carl in shock until they get picked up by the others. Ben carries Iza inside where she gets put down by a table. Maggie and Glenn stay behind while the teens, Rick, Michonne and Daryl leave to end the Governor.

When they get back at daylight, Iza gets the news of Andrea's death. She never really had a deep band with Andrea but she was still family. They were family, she was a part of their family.

Ben stays with her while she cries, he also cries. But life at the prison continues as it should in an apocalypse. They take in the people that the governor didn't kill. Which are mostly old people and children.

When the news has landed about the death of Andrea, Ben carries Iza outside. Where the teens all sit down together, just like they used to at Atlanta.

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