Chapter one : 'Im tired of being single Haley'

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"Hey Haley!" A familiar voice said,hugging the teal haired girl. "Happy anniversary!" He continued, handing her and her boyfriend a bag that was taped up at the top. Haley and jakes three year anniversary was tomorrow , so , to celebrate with their friends,she invited them all around before the two went out alome.

"Thanks zan!" Jake said,hugging his high school friend, "you didn't have to!" He smiled,putting the bag on the table next to a gift from Milly and her partner and Sean and daisy.
"It's fine,it's three years anyway! That's impressive!" He sighed,sitting on the sofa of Haley's shared house,next to Sean and daisy. 

After the first year of university, the two decided to move into a shared house between Haley's music grounds and jakes sports grounds.

"Hi emo boy!" Milly yelled,turning the television on,and turning the channel to 'Brooklyn 99' for a background noise
"how are you Zander?" A dj asked,putting his phone down.

"Good! Yeah , nothing new" he smiled at everyone.
"Still no new people on the dating front?" Daisy asked,leaning her head on Sean's shoulder.
He shook his head no.

And there it was.

That look of empathy and pity couples give you when you've still not got a partner after being dumped a year and a half ago. Zander hated it, it made him feel small and stupid, but he pushed that feeling aside and just rolled his eyes, laughing.
"You don't have to give me that look,I'm fine on my own, you know me, I like my time to myself" he lied,knowing full well he much preferred the company of someone beside him.
"I know how much 'the look' sucks, I got it for a whole year from YOU  before getting with Jake' Haley laughed from in the kitchen.
Zander sighed and rolled his eyes, and swiftly changed the subject: "how long till food hales?" He said, turning round to face the girl,as the kitchen was right behind the lounge.
"About five minutes,it's pasta bake!" She smiled.
"OO YUMMERS!" Milly said,moving over so Jake could sit down,after giving everyone knives and forks.
He was swiftly followed by Haley who came in with big oven mittens on, holding a bowl full of pasta bake. She placed it down on the coffee table and put down a big serving spoon. Help yourselves to as much or little as you want! And sorry we could eat at the table,it would just be cramped" she laughed,referring to the small table in the kitchen.
"It's Chill Haley,I like a good comfy seat anyway!" Daisy smile, forking some into her mouth.

Zander spooned some onto his plate,and picked up some of the garlic bread that Jake had brought out before hand and started eating. And, to his dismay,the first topic of conversation was...


He watched the five of them talk about weddings,engagements and the future as he ate away,and nodded,and agreed with their statements on Haley's favourite ring shapes, Millys favourite flowers and Daisy's favourite venues.
Granted it was an anniversary so he knew it was inevitable,but it still made him feel as single as ever.

After the five of them chatted a bit,Sean and daisy looked at the time and the white haired girl gasped, "oh my god look at the time it's ready 7!"
"Haley we are so sorry to leave so abruptly but I promised my cousin I'd stop by her party she was having! It's celebrating her promotion at work" she said, getting up, swiftly follows by Sean.
"Oh! It's ok! Tall your sister I said congratulations!" She smiled,getting her coat. "We will!" Sean smiled , hugging Haley and Jake and carried on saying his goodbyes. "Oh Milly! We go past yours,want a lift?"
Milly nodded and grabbed her coat from the side and hugged Haley and making,joining in with the goodbyes.
"See you all later!" A purple haired male said,going across to the fridge to get a drink.
"Bye Zander!" Milly said "update us when you find a man!" She joked getting in the car. In response, he just laughed and put a thumbs up to the girl.

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