Chapter four: messaging fiasco

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At about 4:12 Zander looked at his phone notifications and read 'Luke! Matched with you ,come chat now!"
His eyes went wide and he clicked kn the notification to check it was genuine
And it was
There the Dm sat,no one had put anything yet,Zander assumed he was waiting for him to say something being as he made his account yesterday.
He clicked off the app and frantically clicked on his sisters contact.
The call rung out twice plbut she picked up on the Third ring
"HALEY!" A stressed voice said over the phone
"Zander? What?" She said,sounding confused
"COME IVER NOW. RIGHT NOW. NOW.  NOW PLEASE." He yelled,putting the kettle on.
"Zander? Why? I was gonna just sit and do nothing,you've interrupted my nothingness!" She whined over the phone,which warnt an eye roll from Zander
"If you come now,I'll do your nails,and I'll order takeout" he bribed ,checking his nails while he phoned her.
There was silence on the other end until a huff ,and the muffled jingle of keys. "Fine,if the takeout is crap,I'm leaving"
"Staces mama Mia pizza?"
"Of course"

In no less than 15 minutes Haley barged through the hallway of the apartment complex and pounded on the door of her brothers house.
He opened it and practically dragged her in.
"WHAT!? WHAT IS UP WITH YOU!?" She yelled,taking her shoes off on while her whirlwind of a brother let go of her,reaching for the 'stacies mama Mia pizza' takeout menu (a/n DIFFERENT SPELLING=DIFFERENT PERSON 💪💪💪💪I'm so smart)
Zander smiled at her sister across from him and showed her the open , empty dm with Luke at the top. As soon as the teal haired girl realised what it was her grey eyes lit up. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" She squealed. "UNPLUG THE HOUSE PHONE AND ILL GET THE WINE!"
"Okay! Okay okay!" He said,equally high pitched "DO NOT START WITHOUT ME DO NOT START WITHOUT ME!" (A/n cheeky friends ref there)

He sat down and Zander felt her flick through the pictures on his profile. On match,you initially have to add 5 but you can add more and delete some over time,and the maximum you can have at one point was ten,This Luke guy had 7.
"Oooo, OH MY! Aaaaw! Oh? Ooooooo!" She 'oo'ed and ah'ed at the photos while Zander agreed in response. "I know!" He smiled.
"Zander he looks so nice! And hot i cannot lie" she joked,earning a playful prod from her brother . "Back off you b***h" he smiled,pouring Haley a drink.
"So how do I start! Or do I wait for him?" He asked
She thought for a bit and replied "his accounts nee,he's probably waiting for you because he's nervous.

And right she was.

Luke stared at the open dm for a solid five minutes,his phone flat on the table, no one was home,so he couldn't ask what to do. He continuously picked up his phone ready to type,but then put it down again in case he messed up.
That was h til he nearly dropped his phone when a message came through.

He replied back, with a simple enough: "hey how are you!" Thank god his autocorrect was good today,he could not look stupid right now.

''ok , he's not dry,and he's matching my tone, and no d*** pics!"

Luke :)
Hey! How are you :)
Good! You?

Icl I was a bit nervous to message as I'm pretty new to all this,but you seem really nice,so good now!
"Called it!" Haley smirked as Zander rolled his eyes,taking a sip of his drink. "He seems silly in a cute way" he smiled.
"Oh! I know! I know what to do!" Haley waved her hands around Zander gave her his attention, and she suggested something fairly smart.
"Ask him what he's doing and then send a pic of you so he knows your not catfishing,then if he's not ,he'll send one of him!"
"Yes! Your very smart for once, shocking!"

Aw! It's ok! It's good that you messaged now because you seem so nice! Not to mention you look great!

Omg thank you! Your look beautiful as well‼️🫶
I love your suit in one of your pics,it's so nice.

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