Chapter Seven:hot goss

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Oh dear lord. Chaos begins.

"Was he cute!?"
"Was he fit"
"Was he funny?"
"Does he like mixing tracks?"

The Questions started flowing in before Zander raised his hand and went. "No thank you,I want to preserve my secret dates privacy for now thank you" he rolled his eyes. Trying to cut of the conversation before it started.
"Aw, Zander please?" The pink haired girl pleaded, clasping her hands together.
Zander shook his head and had a drink of his americano,secretly wondering what his date was doing ,blushing lightly at the thought.

After Milly, They all tried to protest, an eruption of reasoning,pleads and teases filling their small area by the wonder, but none of them prevailed,Zander sinking into the armchair he was in,and only giving one word answers and only mentioning he drums to Sean and Haley,who were happy to have him try out if the next few dates go well.
The club eventually died down,and subjects shifted and moved from many different things focusing on the dorrfetent club members,but After about an hour of brunching fun, the club decided to call it a day,
they all said their goodbyes, Sean driving Milly home,the Pink haired girl frantically waving out the window to the three on the car park.
"Right then,I'm of then! By—"
"Oh no no no!" Haley stopped her brother, grabbing his sleeve,stopping him in his tracks. "You, my friend,are coming with us!" Jake smiled , waving Haleys car keys at Zander. "What?!" He exclaimed. "Why?" He whined, staring at Haley.
"You thought we would take the whole "no hot goss" thing ?!, I wanna hear all about your little date!" The black eyed girl smiled,opening the car door  as she got into the drivers seat,Jake practically bouncing into the passengers seat next to her .
The man,knowing there was no getting away from this,reluctantly got in the car,rolling his eyes.
"Fiiiine, but nothing till we get home" he smirked "I love the suspense and it's funny to see you annoyed"

The couple reluctantly agreed,practically racing home, with Jake prodding the boy with random question in hope he would mess  up and told them something
It did not work.
When they got to their place though the teal hired girl  ran to the door and barged it open, sitting down on the sofa,Jake getting drinks for everyone.
"Wine honey"
"But it's lunchtime now?" He reasoned with his black eyed girlfriend.
She rolled her eyes in return and reasoned. "Fine,baileys coffee, zan?"
"Just coffee for me,had a few last night" he sighed,sitting down after he took his shoes off.
After Jake sat down,Haley immediately started asking questions,practically a fangirl.
"Was he as good as the photos?"
"Yes? I told you he wouldn't be a catfish he was new" he rolled his eyes he found this so embarrassing.
"Now I really didn't want to talk about it" he sighed,having a drink. "He was really nice,and I really do wanna tell you ALL of it, but I don't want to jinx it" he looked at her sister
"You idiot! You won't jinx it!" Sje laughed, "now" she smirked. "Tell us everything!"
After this , a wave of confidence came over him and ,question after question,the purple eyed boy began to loosen up and begin to answer more freely,so when Haley asked about the date. He went all in.
"Oh my god he was so cute hales!" He said,taking a sip of his cofee. "He waited at the bar for me,and held my hand all the way to our seats!"
"Oh my god!" Jake piped up "he seems so nice,might have to steal him for myself" he joked
"Back off!" He joked,smiling.
"The real question is though" Haley asked,raising an eyebrow at her brother. "And this may be the most obvious question ever,but do you want another date with him?" Sje asked,sincerely.
"Definitely" Zander smiled,but it quickly turned into a look of panic shot over him,turning pale.
"OH NO!" He said,digging for his phone in his bag.
"What? What?" Jake asked,confused.
"I said I'd give him my phone number/snap because match is a pig to message on! And I didn't! So what if he thinks I don't actually like him and I was the pig who only wanted one date?!" He rushed through his speech,getting him phone out and frantically copying his number.
"Calm! Calm! I'm sure he hasn't looked yet,his level headed sister responded,in which Jake agreed. "Yeah zan,just send it and explain you forgot!"
"Okay! Yes!" The boy said,slightly higher than usual,messaging the boy exactly like Haley said, to which he replied in about five minutes , "no worries! I was with my roommates anyway X"
"The X at the end!!!!" Jake pointed to Zanders ohine,who blushed and replied 'oh mb! Have a good time!'
Little did he know,the exact same conversation was happening in Luke's household.

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