Chaprer two: Phase one - sweatpants

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A brown haired girl with knocked on the door of her shared university housing. She had hoped in forgetting her keys she would make her roommate get up from moping all day. She huffed and tucked her sage colours front bits of hair behind her ears waiting for him to answer
After waiting a bit,she then yelled,still knocking on the door
"Luuke! Come on man! Please? My key is in my room!"
After a few more knocks the door opened,and an auburn haired male opened the door. He looked...empty? There was no real word to describe it,he just looked done with everything, which was evident by the black joggers and sweatshirt he always wore when he was down,the old in uretro nirvana sweatshirt.
He smiled and apologised to The brown eyes girl. "Sorry,Lucy I had an early lecture this morning,and I was doing work so my headphones were on" which was evident,as the headphones were round his neck.

"How you holding up?" She asked, dumping her keys and water bottle  on the sofa.
"Well, y'know" he shrugged,putting the kettle on.
"Well,I don't, so I'll guess by the sweatpants and muffled Mitski coming from your headphones.. still in phase one?"
"Bingo" he bluntly said. "Who knew a past Highschool crush could do this to me?" He laughed,pouring the hot water into two of the cups.
"It sucks a** ,Luke,  trust me but once you get out of the sweatpants it will all be better" she said, taking her mug and turning the Tv on and opening netflix.
"Is that encouragement..or a euthanism" he joked,sitting next to her.
The two laughed and the girl put he arm round him and carried on " you know what I meant,where's Mika?" Sje asked,piping her cup on a coaster in the table infront of them.
"They went out,she said her mom invited them over for tea, and she invited me,but I felt weird coming, like 'hey mom! This is my depressing friend who's girlfriend,Stacy turned out to be using him and was talking to another guy!' " he said,looking at his friend.

"Damn, Stacy really wrecked you,huh?" Lucy sighed, "please bring fun Luke back,no offense but fun luke cooks for us and makes fun plans, depressing Luke cries and only changes out of joggers to go to the shop and uni lectures" she joked,turning on  'The IT crowd'
"I know,I feel crappy not being fun,but I just can't do anything without being reminded,of how unfun I must  have been for Stacy to just use me for that"  he put his head in his hands
"Yeah,I get that,but it's not your fault,she's just a b***h"
They sat in silence the only sounds being the low volume of the show on the television.
"Why don't we go to the cinema?" She said,smiling at Luke.
In response,he just looked at her,dumbfounded. "Depressing talk about how my girlfriend dumped me and on the verge of tears....movies...yeah no, I don't know how you got there" he furrowed his brow.
"I have a voucher(coupon) for the cinema, wanna go see that new one that came out,with the letters and murder postman?"
"I don't know,Luce.." he sighed, which she quickly carried on. "No no! It will be good! Because your actually going somewhere that's not essential,and it will take your mind off of Stacy!!"
Luke sat up,thought for a moment and gave in to his friends antics. "Fine. I'll get changed now."
"That doesn't just mean getting out of your joggers!" She yelled
The male leant on his door and waited for her to carry on.
"No nirvana sweatshirt.and shower because it gives me an excuse to see you with wet spiky hair and  it's funny." She joked
He huffed and carried his clothes to the shower.

The auburn haired male turned the water on and immediately relaxed.
He still couldn't believe what his relationship came to. He sniffled and a few tears ran down his face. He thought the two of them were right there. And he would have gone on thinking that If he hadn't have seen her and some guy at the mall.
On the bright side though, he found out sooner than later,otherwise he'd be living a lie. He snapped out of his melancholic trance and poured a dollop of shampoo on his hands and massaged it into his head and desperately tried not to think of the time he had wasted on Stacy.
"Oooo look at you! Very nice!" His friend smiled, "and your not wearing your disgusting crusty dusty falling apart tennis shoes! I am VERY impressed" she joked as he grabbed his car keys as they went to the cinema.

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