Chapter three: its a match!

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An auburn haired male woke up early to see his friend, Lucy still applying concealer and foundation her hair in curlers and in her pink silky pyjamas.
the taller of the two looked at his phone: 7:36
"What happened to being out the door by 20 past to having a morning coffee?" He said,rubbing his eyes.
"You know me. My plans never work when it involves being early for things" she sighed,taking the curlers out of her hair.
"True,but I'm always up,you SHOUKD have asked me to wake you" he smiled, putting the kettle on for himself,grabbing his mug from the cupboard above him.
"Didn't wanna bother you,you had your whole day planned out you know?" Sje smiled,rushing to her room. "See you in a sec!" Sje yelled ,shutting the door. All like could do was sigh and make his tea as he chuckled at his friends incompetence.
She came out wearing a light silk coloured button up with a black skirt,tan tights and pearly coloured accessories.
"See ya!" Sje smiled,picking up her bag with her not books and highlighters.
RHE taller of the two sighed and sipped a cup of his freshly made tea.

At about 10:30 , the male decided he would in fact , carry out yesterday's plan and go to a cofee shop and work on his essay, he always loved the atmosphere of the coffee shop, with his orange beats headphones on, the calming music and constant smell of cinnamon and ground beans somehow made him work faster. So,he put his laptop,notebooks and pens, and wireless mouse into his computer bag by the door,and placed his charger in just incase,and went to go and get ready.

Luke grabbed his keys and laptop bag from the door and set out

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Luke grabbed his keys and laptop bag from the door and set out.
He only had to walk,as his shared house was near the town centre,one of the reasons he picked to live there,and because it was surprisingly cheap rent for a university shared housing contract so close to town.

"Mango refresher please,with ice"
The red haired girl tapped on her till and asked another question. "Any food?"
"No I'm ok thank you " He took out his phone ready to pay.
"Of course,just sit down and our waitress will bring itjj by over when I've finished making it" she smiled at the boy,he returned it and went to sit by a taler tabke by the window,it had a plug socket for his laptop incase it died.
While he waited he signed in on his laptop and turned his headphones on, before he put them on though, he over heard a conversation between two girls that worked there:
"That guy is so cute,I'm gonna ask him out after" he glanced over discreetly,it was the girl who severed him,making the drink.
She was cute,sure,but not his type? Kind of? He wasn't too sure what his type was at the moment.

"Him?" A voice said, it sounded familiar,he stole another glance and
Oh crap.
It was one of Stacy's friends,Gabbie. He signed in and opened google docs,and continued to try and get his damn headphones to turn on and pair  so he could ignore her.
"Yeah he went out with my friend, hes super clingy and gullible,she said it was like going out with a airhead" She snorted while platting up another customers doughnut"
"Really,he looks smart"
"Apparently hes a but blunt,but not in other ways if you know what I me—"
As if on cue his headphones connected and he quickly shoved them on,turning his music up and desperately trying to drown out the conversation,as gabby came over, her wavy blue hair in his peripheral vision. She practically slammed the clear plastic cup  on his table,he was suprised she didn't break it
The grey eyed girl kept staring at him until he acknowledged her and lightly smiled. She smiled back,clearly it was humorous to her to see him on his own.

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