spruce x reader: fan girl

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[set during the days of brozone]
[past tense]

the heartthrob.
if the title hadn't been attributed to him by his bandmates, you would have referred to him as that anyway. because there truly was no better way to describe him.

it wasn't even his looks, well, it was, that purple hair and knowing grin, but his aura. something about him was just so effortlessly charming that when his voice (smoother than sweet glistening honey) pumped through the speakers, you felt your heart skip an erratic beat.

in fact, your heart damn near stopped completely when your eyes laid their starving gaze on the stage, admiring each member of your favourite band to the extreme, their journey ending as they rested on spruce. as the concert raged on, the trolls around you sharing in your shrieks and screams and cheers, you couldn't help but notice his eyes falling on you, too.

i must be losing my mind, you thought to yourself, shaking your head back and forth and rubbing your eyes, scrubbing them of their hallucinations. but indeed, spruce was looking at you, and adamantly, too.

"kayla." you shouted through the music to the friend who accompanied you to the gig.

she doesn't stop shimmying to the rhythms, but she does respond. "yeah?"

taking a short, sharp breath, you realised how ridiculous, how unbelievable your claim was going to sound to anybody who wasn't you. but you were positive you were right.

"i think spruce is checking me out."

"what?" the syncopated drums had flooded the canals of her ears, and so you decided to leave it out. she wouldn't have believed you anyway.

for the rest of the concert, you tried to ignore the way spruce's eyes kept flickering down to you in the front row, and instead joined kayla in her uncoordinated choreography. wishy-washy, swaying sort of slow movements for the emotional songs, discombobulated hopping and scrambling and whooping and cheering for when the tempo sped up.

and yet, that only endeared your admirer more. you might have made him forget the words, if he wasn't such a spirited performer.

that was another thing the fans liked about him. his dedication to his art. really, it was a double-edged sword that he cared so deeply about not just giving a good performance, but also having fun. not only did it show his passion for his trade, but demonstrated his good old fashioned family values in his adoration for his team of brothers. he played the marketing teams seamlessly, like a fiddle, really, but was a teenage fan ever going to realise that?

eventually, and reluctantly, the show drew to a close. they had ended the night with a sombre, heartwarming rendition of their song "better place", a perfect fit for floyd — known for his sensitive persona and soulful gaze. john dory did just fine, his versatility going hand in hand with his leadership, and clay shocked the crowd by revealing a more sensitive side, potentially breaking him into a whole new demographic. then there was spruce. instantaneously, he melted the hearts of millions nationwide. he certainly melted yours.

and then the night was over, and the audience melted back into being a round-up of love struck teenagers, all leaving in a desperate hurry to get a seat on the bus taking them back to their respective neighbourhoods.

you looked around as the youngsters spilled out and soon it was just you and kayla, solitary in the big empty space that once housed thousands. now, you could see the sticky patches on the floor from spilled drinks, and smell the lingering sweetness of packet snacks like salt and vinegar crisps or gummy snakes.

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