how you meet

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you walked down the long roads of London, contemplating whether life was worth living. Everything you had was gone, your house and your were just another homeless person on the side of the street now. You once had a loving family, and you were extremely rich. You were the type of person who actually, believe it or not, disliked beggers. (Funny, huh?) You had everything ripped away from you, taken away in an instant flash of desire. You don't really remember what exactly happened, that night. But you do remember that (obviously) it wasn't good. In the middle of your thought on whether you wanted to live or not, a young boy around your age bumped into you, followed by his Butler who bowed slightly, then kept walking. Thinking that was rude of the blueish haired boy, you walked up to him wiping dirt off of your face, all while standing a little taller. "Excuse me, sir. But-" waving his hand, the boy looked at his Butler. "Give this begger some money, while she still has a little integrity left in her" pushing the butlers hand (with the money) aside, you moved your (h/c) hair out of your (e/c) eyes. "I WILL NOT be treated like this. Like a...a.."
"Begger?" The boy smirked. "Of course you do" the Butler tapped the boy on the shoulder, turning him around and whispered to him. "Master, what if we took her in? Maybe even give her.." The Butler looked back at your clothes, then turned around. "Some new clothes. Think about it, this would put you in good graces with the peo-" the boy cut him off. "I do not need to get on the peoples good sides Sebastian. I am already on them. But.. I guess.. We could. I am feeling very generous Sebastian. Yes, she shall come to the manor on her own accord, and she could work out in the fields with finnian. God knows he needs help" nodding, who you now know as Sebastian, turned around and gestured towards the carriage that was riding up towards them.
"If you would like to, my master is offering you a job at his manor. Would you like to come with us?" You looked up and down the streets. "Uhm...thank you for the offer,but..." ciel interrupted you. "Sebastian! We have to go! Will she be coming with us, or not?" Sebastian looked at his master and replied no, and they disappeared into the carriage. You thought about everything that just happened, and kinda...wanted to go. AS the carriage was leaving, you gathered up all your courage , and you started jogging, then running after the carriage. As the carriage skidded to a stop, you screamed "I WILL WORK FOR YOU!" Ciel climbed out of the carriage, smirking. "I knew you would change your mind"

(You guys already met. But this is when he finds out he. . rEALly likes you .. )

You and Alois have been friends for years, you were inseparable. (You guys even wore the same booty shorts) your dad used to work for the man who ran the trancy manor. You and your dad lived in one of the many rooms that was at the estate, and He would sometimes take you and Alois outside while sneaking chocolates for Alois and you. After that, Alois did not want to leave you. Then when the man that ran the estate (can't remember his name...srry XD) died unexpectedly, your dad went with him. Alois inherited everything, and next to Claude, you were his favorite person.
You walked into the garden, while reading a book. Alois ran up to you and jumped on your back, giggling covering your eyes. "Guess who!" You rolled your eyes. "Hmm....I dunno... Alois...?" He jumped off your back laughing. "How'd you know?" You laughed at the blonde, while he laughed back at you. Alois smiled nervously, then he hugged you.


You skipped cheerfully down the street, whistling a tune. You soon came to a bridge, that was over a roaring river. You stopped, looking down into the water. For some reason, you wanted to just jump in the river, and swim around. For some reason, you were very happy today. As you stood on the side of the bridge, a man walked up to you. You looked back at him, his red eyes and raven hair glistening in the sun. He spoke up, "I don't think you should do that, miss. You might get hurt" you crossed your arms like a 4 year old and sighed making a face. "Fine..." You muttered climbing down. "Good choice" he smiled at you. "So, what's your name?" The man asked you. It was like your mouth had a mind of its own, before you even had Time to think your mouth opened and said "(y/n)" the man smiled and bowed. "Very nice to meet you, (y/n). My name is Sebastian michelis" (sorry if I spelled that wrong XD) you noted that the man had manners and you smiled like a fool. "Well, (y/n), it was very nice meeting you. I would love to see you again." Your smile grew wider. "I think I would like that" you said.

Undertaker (extremely long LOL)

Death had always fascinated you. You couldn't help it. Your dad worked for Scotland yard, in fact. just seemed natural . you sat in your dads carriage, facing him. You looked down at your hands, then out the window. There had recently been a large mass of strange deaths, and your father was put on the case. It was your birthday, so your dad decided to take you with him. Your dad cleared his throat. " (y/n), please be careful when we get there," he said. You looked at him. "When we go to the undertakers, I want you to stay close to me.. you may look around, but. Just please be careful. " you nodded. The man that was driving the carriage signalled that we were approaching your destination. You slung your bag over your shoulders, grabbing a pen and pencil.

[After the carriage stopped]

Your dad helped you down, smiling. As you and your father approached the broken down shack that read "undertaker " in bold letters, the door opened, with a man that had silver hair standing behind it. "Hello!" The man chuckled. You cocked your head slightly and wrote something down. "Whatcha got there?" The man appeared behind you, peering over you shoulder. You snapped the notebook shut. "Nothing."
The man that you believed to be undertaker laughed again. "Well it sure does look like something" he winked at you. You blushed a little bit. Wait... you blushed. This is when your dad stepped in. He grabbed your sleeve lightly and pulled you back, glaring at undertaker. He only smiled more, leading you and your dad into his work. "Sorry, I haven't gotten around to cleaning" he said running his finger through the dust, then staring at it. You wrote that down in your journal. 'Work space is dirty; unclean' you looked around some more. There were shelves lining the wall, with odd jars filling the space. You wrote that down. Not only were there jars, but there was also a few coffins here and there. You wrote that down, also. Undertaker laughed at you, watching you. He walked over to you. [ author here: I see undertaker as being perverted.. sorry I just.. had too XD] he looked from your feet, to your head, then he spoke. " maybe we could .... hang out some time" he had a huge grin. You blushed even more. "(Y/n)! We're leaving! We have all the information that we need to know." You sighed. You started walking off, feeling like undertaker was watching you .

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