When he buys you Tampons/ pads

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* hey guys author here. So I kinda made a mistake with the time period. I wanted it to be back in the late 1800's to early 1900's. But.. that wouldn't work for this chapter and future ones. Can you guys just pretend for the time being that the time period has been 2015/2016 all along? It would take WAY too long to rewrite the other chapters accordingly.. but thanks guys! Oh and this is just kinda a short chapter..but it was kinda fun to write..... Also, I have a black Butler oneshot book where I can write whatever you guys want! You should go check it out and request some oneshots ;D



You grabbed your stomach in pain, groaning. It was that time of month again, and you hated it. It felt like someone had stabbed you 37 times in the stomach, and then kicked you. You sat at the edge of your bed rocking back and forth, holding your stomach. "Uggghh! Why won't you just stop, stupid cramps!" You said punching the bed. "Um.. (y/n).. is everything okay?" You heard a soft knock on the door. "Yeah..." you growled through the door. "Oh, I see your busy.. I'll just g-" you ran up to the door and opened it, seeing Ciel standing there frowning. "I'm sorry Ciel, it's just.. I'm hurting really bad and bleeding so ya know I'm a little rude.. I'm sorry.. "
Ciel looked at you and frowned even more. "Where are you bleeding from? Maybe I could help." You laughed and started blushing. "No, uh Ciel... it's okay really,-" you busted out laughing. "What? This is serious, (y/n)! Stop laughing at once!" You laughed even more, making your stomach hurt 10times more. "Well, uh.. I don't think I have any more Pads left..you could go get me some pads" Ciel looked at you tilting his head to the side. "What are pads? Are they like special bandages?" This made you laugh even more. "Yeah, kind of. I guess you could say that" a look of knowing passed over his face. "Ohh, okay. We have some spare bandages, if-"
"no!" You giggled. "Ciel, I have a feeling those wouldn't really work.. don't worry I can just go to the store and buy some" suddenly a sharp pain ran through your stomach again as you bent over in pain groaning. "No, (y/n).. I can get them for you!" This made you laugh again. "Sure.. Ciel.. that would be very nice. Thank you" Ciel smiled and carefully hugged you, trying not to hurt you. Ciel arrived at the local convenient store. He walked up to the person at the register. "Hello. My girlfriend needs a special kind of bandage... ugh.. what was it called again..?" The blonde boy behind the register laughed. "Pads/tampons? Does she need pads/tampons?"  Ciels face lighted up. "Yes! That's what they were called. Pads/tampons," the boy behind the register walked out and down a back aisle. He returned and put them on the counter, looking up at you. "Are these the right kind?" Ciel looked down. "There is MORE THAN ONE KIND?" Ciel asked. The clerk nodded. "Yeah. There is"
Ciel rubbed his forehead with annoyance. "I guess they'll have to work" ciel payed for them and told the boy to keep the change. When he arrived back at the manor, he saw you sitting in your PJs eating chocolate chip cookies watching TV. He plopped down on the bed next to you, handing you the bag with the pads/tampons. You looked inside the bag and raised an eyebrow. "Are they the right kind?" Ciel asked nervously. "Yeah.. they are. Thanks babe" you kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly.


You rolled over in your bed groaning at the pain that was emanating from your stomach area. "Ugh" you thought aloud. "I haaate it when I'm on my period" alois was sitting at the end of your bed looking at you. "They do sound horrible. I'd hate to have a period.. But luckily, I'm a guy." You threw a pillow at his head but he quickly dodged it. "Shut up, alois!" You groaned. "Someone is in a bad mood," alois teased. You got up from your bed, holding onto your stomach. You walked passed your giggling boyfriend into the bathroom and looked under the sink for your pads/tampons. "UGHHH! Where the hell did they go?" Alois appeared behind you. "I'm not sure" he shrugged. You rolled your eyes. "I'll just have to go buy some more, then" you growled out of pain."I could go get you some pads/tampons. I'm sure hannah would have some.. probably" you nodded gratefully. "Yes, please." Alois kissed your forehead and walked out the bedroom door. "Hannah! I need your help, you better hurry!" Alois yelled. Hannah appeared out of nowhere, wiping her hands on her apron. "Yes my lord?"

) needs some pads/Tampons, and I was wondering if you could buy some for me? Seeing as you are a girl, so you should know what to get her." Hannah nodded obediently. "Yes" she walked into her room and came out with a small pouch. She handed it to alois. "Here," she said."I always keep an assortment of those type of things laying around, you never know when youd need them." Alois grabbed the pouch and smiled and hannah. "Thank you, hannah." Alois ran back to your room and gave you the pouch, smiling triumphantly. "Thank you, alois" groaning, you sat up and took the pouch from him and waddled (lol) to the bathroom. "No problem" thanks to alois, you did not die of blood loss.


You were helping Sebastian make Ciels lunch. Which, was extremely rare, because Sebastian had OCD when it came to those type of things. All of a sudden a sharp pain  spread throughout your stomach. "Ughhhh..." you held on to your tummy, sitting down. "Are you ok (y

)?" Sebastian dropped the food he was making and walked over to you. He looked down at you curiously. "What's wrong?" He gently touched your arm, concern lacing his voice. "I'm...just....I think I started my period..." you groaned out in pain. Sebastian nodded. "Go lay down, I can go buy you some tampons/pads and I will get you some chocolate ice cream" you frowned. "What about Ciels lunch? He'll have a hissy fit..." you looked up at Sebastian. "I suppose so...oh well, Ciels lunch can wait. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if his lunch took a few more minutes that usual to make" you smiled up at your boyfriend. He picked you up bridal style and carried you upstairs, laying you carefully on the bed. He handed you some ice cream. "I'll be right back, it will only take a second " he said. And was he right. He literally was gone only three minutes tops, and when he got back (new conspiracy;  Sebastian is sonic...) his hands were full of grocery bags. He laid them on the bed and dumped them out. "Woah.." you said. There was what must have been 10 different types of pads/tampons on the bed, even some tylenol. "Thanks Sebastian.... you gave me a lot to choose from..." you laughed slightly. Sebastian smiled. "You're welcome, (y

)" and in the background, you could hear ciel yelling for Sebastian because he had not gotten his lunch yet.

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