your first kiss/hanging out

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After your first date with ciel, you knew you really liked him. He was just so...imperfect. And that's what made you love him more. All of those little things made him, well, him. You smiled to yourself, thinking about him. How nice he was to take you in, clothe give you food. He was so generous. Last night, after coming back home he told you that he had a free day, just to hang out. After a whole night of sleeping on it, you knew what you wanted to do with him. You got dressed and ran down the stairs (trying not to trip) to Ciel's study. You knocked on the door before walking in. "Uh, hi (y/n). You look lovely today" you tried hiding your blush, but it managed to creep its way up your cheeks. "Thanks, Ciel. So.. you know..Last night? When you said you had a free day today?" Ciel looked at your face. "Yeah.." you smiled. "Well, I finally figured out what we should do" he cocked his head. You looked at him. "Maybe, we could go and just..hang out and draw or something? And maybe walk in the garden?" Ciel cocked his head. "You know what that sounds fun," you smiled and smirked. Looking around, you rubbed your chin in thought, when you remembered that you didn't have any money, let alone drawing supplies. Ciel seemed to know what you were thinking, because he offered Sebastian to go and buy the finest paints, brushes, paper, pencils, etc. You melted at the thought of Ciel buying those art supplies.. they were not just his, they were not yours.. they are both of yours. Yeah, it didn't seem like much... but to you, it meant the world....... Ciel seemed to also read your mind again, because he added "it really doesn't matter, it's just-" a big stupid grin spread across your face. You leaned in, held his face and shyly pecked his lips with yours. He looked surprised at first, but then he realised that he liked you kissing him. A faint pink blush crept up your cheeks. "S-sorry" he shook his head, standing up walking over to you. He grabbed your face carefully, and kissed you. This time, it was your turn to be in shock. You didn't even think he would like your kiss, let alone wanting to kiss more. At that moment, Sebastian walked in the door with the paints, and his eyes went wide, seeing Ciel leaning over and kissing you. (He probably got jealous ;) sorry I'm bad..XD) you blushed and grabbed the paint supplies, breaking away from the kiss.


It was Sebastian's one day off. (If you could even call it that) so, you thought it would be cool to hang out a bit. You put on your black and blue striped short, with blue leggings, You ran out your door, down the hall, and towards Sebastian's room. You happily knocked on his door. Right as your hand came from the door, he opened it. "Wow," his eyes traveled down your body. You blushed. " you look lovely, (y/n).." you thanked him. "So, (y/n), what would you like to do today?" You shrugged. " maybe we could have a lazy day? We could just.. lay down and watch some Netflix?" He smiled down at you. "That would be nice, (y/n)." You grabbed his hand, dragging him along beside you. You sat on the large sofa with Sebastian, cuddling into his side with a blanket. He turned on titanic, which you had to admit- that was romantic. Suddenly, you felt a hand softly lift up your head and you felt Sebastian's soft lips against yours. You gasped. " what..?" He broke away from the kiss stroking your cheek. "N-nothing.." he continued to kiss you, titanic playing in the background.


Alois cleared what was left of his schedule, all day, so he could stay with you and hang out. (Not that he had much to do anyway) you put your booty shorts and hugged Alois. He smirked. "So, what do you want to do today,(y/n)?" You shrugged. "Maybe.. we could go shopping?" Alois clapped his hands excitedly . " yes! That sounds wonderful!" He grabbed your arm and you both ran outside. Alois yelled for Claude. "Claude, where are you? Me and (y/n) want to go shopping, but we can't if we don't have a ride!" Claude appeared out of nowhere. "Yes, your highness. I already called for the carriage," alois smiled. " this is going to be amazing, (y/n)! We can shop all day~" you smiled at him nodding your head. The carriage drove in the gravel driveway. The horses were bobbing their heads back and forth. You and alois were riding for what seemed like forever, waiting for the perfect shop to show up, you pointed out a cute little shop that sold everything from perfumes and jewelry, to dresses. You hopped out, eyes gleaming. "All is, this shop looks amazing!" He nodded. You both walked into the store, looking at various perfumes and clothes. Alois found a cute short purple and black form fitting dress that you fell in love with. You took it from him and went into the other room, changing into the dress to show Alois. You walked outside of the room and Did a little twirl. Alois whistled and clapped. "You really like it, Alois?" He walked up to you and smirked. "(Y/n), I really like it. You look hot~" you playfully hit his shoulder. All of a sudden, he leaned in and grabbed your face, kissing you. "Alois..." You breathed backing away. Now it was your turn to smirk. "Take that outside, you too! But not before you pay for that dress-" Claude was on the side, trying to hide his snicker. " we will take that dress to-go" while you giggled .

Author here. Sorry for the crappy update, but hey at least I updated xD

Bye bye my wonderful readers !!

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