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Not waiting for a reply, he began to precede ahead and she followed in step behind him towards the large table with laid out equipment. Each item was spread out in an organized manner of size within a category. Lorenzo began by listing the shooting range equipment by category.

He listed Items usually kept in a range bag inclusive of safety equipment and protective gear. Went on to touch on what a spotter scope was and how it came in handy for magnifying one's target to make a clearer image of the aim.

The type of shooter scope was usually linked to the type of shooting one was opting for with linkage to range. It could be for hunting and so many more.

When it came to outdoor shooting targets, they ranged with a wide scope of variety,  he listed a good number before letting her know that the ones they were using were paper-based among the four basic materials commonly used.  Paper targets, clay, polymer, and steel.

They were going to practice bullseye shooting before they moved on to silhouette shooting practice. Paper then silhouette.

All in all, he advised her that aiming at the center mass was a common go-to practiced in shooting regardless of the type of target.

He introduced her to firearms and broke down the parts of a common handgun, their functions, and how the device worked overall. He also touched on the difference between a handgun and a firearm. 

Amongst the six types of firmans he mentioned, they settled with a pistol for their day's practice. 
They went over the gun safety rules in depth and at a point Geneva found herself staring at Lorenzo in awe.

She admired his appeal and his ability to captivate as he shared his vast knowledge. Watching him talk was captivating in its own right.

He knew..... His stuff.

Off head just like that. And no, it wasn't the typical one who knows their stuff and therefore it was obvious. His was different.

That difference in spark a person could tell in a crowd of many professors who taught the same subject, there was that particular professor that held your attention to their knowledge with ease and arrest.

Lorenzo was that.

He winded the equipment lecture by teaching her parts of the different parts that made the firearms present unique to their nature. How to dislodge and put together the 10 different ones that had been made available for her before settling for a Glock 19 Gen 5 Pistol.

Geneva tested the weight of the gun wanting to put it down immediately.

Questioning why she was holding such a scary life-threatening device.

Having it in her hand tuned her into a mental panic,  wanting out almost immediately.

What if she shoots at someone by accident? Tripped and killed herself. Damn it people died because of these things.

She looked up at Lorenzo with panic and  fear in her eyes " What if-"

" they're rubber bullets inside  Geneva. Don't sweat your little mind about harm as long as it isn't within close proximity. The worst they can do is earn you a wheeled bed to surgery,  permanent disability, they can lead to death if shot in the head within close proximity. " he elaborated by pointing a gun to the side of her head by her temple and she stiffened.

Lorenzo's gentle laughter filled her ears as he withdrew the gun from her direction. 

"It's not funny." Glared Geneva very much so bothered and vexed.

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