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{unedited }

The search for Geneva was in progress. And the passed 5 days after she had visited the police station for the last time, had taken a tole on her outlook on life's with a different perspective.

Safety was a concept she grew to understand and not take for granted.

Opportune was one to be able to experience it on a daily basis. Not having to look over your own back every 10 or so minutes.

Charlie had come down to California the next day after they had had their phone call when she'd been in the library in the dark alone in the company of her misery.

The first thing Charlie did when he saw Geneva waiting and instantly noticed him, he stretched out his arms wide open for her in the airport, and she wasted no time running to him.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, ones that she hadn't planned to let go of as she jumped into his embrace, hugging him tight. He returned the embrace with ease as he held her close.

" I'm here. I'm here " he repeated as he soothed.

Her mother had been expecting him and she had sent Geneva to pick him up with a designated driver and security.

" one would think I'm 'the' VIP with all the security." Charlie joked. Arm around her neck as they headed to the car. His language taken from him and placed into the boot of the car.

" I had no time to fight the entourage ." Geneva laughed lightly - her mother wasn't one whose decision was easily subdued without comparison of wills. The strongest had their way - and her mother was copiously endorsed with the strongest of wills

" just wanted to get to you as fast as possible."

Charlie observed her from his peripheral view as they headed to the guarded car.

" how are you , honestly ?" He stopped their walk . Placing his hands on her shoulder and making her face him as he watched her closely.

" could be better." She looked to her side trying for a small smile before sighing and meeting his gaze " I just want to find her as quickly as possible. And-" her voice broke and she covered her face with her fingers trying to keep it together.

" let it out it's okay." He drew her into his arms and hugged her comfortingly. His chin was above her head.

"Don't - don't encourage me please ." She sniffed pushing at his chest and he let her pull back. She cleaned her face and tried to gather her composure.

" I've cried buckets by now " she tried to laugh It off

" and" she sniffed and cringed at the sound - how un lady like it was of her "crying isn't something I want to familiarize myself with."
Grandfather had repeatedly let them know it did nothing, and if done publicly for mere sake - made one appear incompetent in their world.

And it was true.

She'd found out for herself. In a male dominated crowd, a woman's tears where rule and competent decision making was required, crying both publicly and indoors did nothing to solve or bring forth superb answers and solutions.

In short; weak , incompetent and the all famous one, - she's a woman what do you expect.

The latter is one her grandfather had delivered to her and her other female cousins to never allow another especially a male hold their tears over their head as any reason to be called less than.

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