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It's searing hot as it streams across the sky, burning in the atmosphere. As it gets closer to the surface, small pieces break off its side, red hot, and fly away in different directions landing all over the small peninsula of a country. The usual passerby might notice and exclaim "...look a shooting star". But it's a stray little comet who got far from its home. The rain that falls from the sky evaporates as it hits the surface of the comet. Getting even closer to the surface of the earth, it's so reflective that you can see the stars on it. Suddenly, it crashes with a boom to the ground, disintegrating the earth around it. Steam rises as it lays in the small crater it created. Slowly, it cools down. There's rustling nearby, and there can be heard approaching it.
"Woah..." One whispers.

"It's right here..." After a few moments, there are eight men standing around the comet, faces full of curiosity.

"It's so shiny..." The tallest says, eyes glimmering with admiration and amazement.

One of them seems to zone out on the comet before reaching a hand out eyes big with interest. Next to him, a man with a small blonde mullet quickly reaches out to grab their hand, but it's too late. He's already touched the comet. At first, nothing happens, but then after a moment a flash of light explodes around them, temporarily blinding them. All of them yell in shock, but not a sound is heard. The light fades, and there's almost an electric feel in the air. Everything is still. The boys look at each other and then suddenly three of the boys let out pained screams as they slowly start shrinking. The blond man instantly gets into action, rushing to their side trying to hide his fear.

"Hey... Hey!.... Hey!" The rest of the boys go into a panic as the three continue to shrink and seemingly get younger. The tall blonde stares in horror as the three slowly become children. A boy with round cheeks hyperventilates and passes out. The red haired boy who touched the comet rushes to his side, grabbing him before he could hit the floor. He looks at the youngest three with guilt and panic seeps into his expression. The boy in his arms jolts awake, and he instantly looks at him.

"Hey.." he whispers. "Hey.. it's gonna be ok." The red-haired boy says in an attempt to calm him down. Almost instantaneously, the boy in his arms stops shivering and looks up at him, a mixture of emotions written on his face.

"How... Did you do that?" He asks the red haired boy.

"I..... I don't know..." He says trailing off as he helps the other boy get up. They both look over at the younger three and to their shock, they are... Kids again?!?!


I sigh looking over the coast, my surfboard at my side. I see a flash of light in the sky far away. Squinting, I think I see a shooting star. Not having anything to wish for, I shake my head and turn my attention back to the sea. I glance down at my phone screen one last time, making sure that all the conditions were right. I walk into the water slowly, carrying my board with me. Once I'm hip deep, I wait. After a few moments of stillness, a large wave appears. Smiling, I quickly swim up to it and hop on the board with practiced expertise. I ride the wave with ease, but then the wave grows much larger than I expected. I gasp, as it begins to envelop me. I quickly take in a deep breath and hold it, as the wave crashes over my head, swallowing me into the ocean. The undercurrent takes me very deep in the sea, to where there is barely any light. I look briefly every which way looking for the way down. Gradually, I notice a light blue glow slowly growing in brightness from below me. My mind goes blank. "The Deep End..." I whisper. My eyes widen in shock. I can breathe underwater?! The glow comes closer and closer until there are now 8 orbs of light floating around me in a circle. Squinting at them to see it better, I notice there are silhouettes of 8 different boys in the orbs. Suddenly, the 8 orbs become streaks of light swirling around my body. They swirl faster and faster until at last, one of the orbs stops right in front of my face. The others continue swirling around me as the orb comes closer. Looking into the orb, I can see more. It's a boy, seemingly in his 20's. He has short red hair, and an expression of guilt is set in his face. Staring at him, all I can think is that ' I've sworn that I've seen him before '. As I wrack my brain to remember where I've seen him, the orb shoots into my head. There's a splitting pain in my forehead and then my vision goes black.

~Time skip~

I groan, my head still throbbing with pain. Slowly I open my eyes to find myself in a bedroom.

"How... Did I end up in a bedroom?" I croak groggily.

"Oh hyung! You're awake!" Hearing a rumbly but high pitched voice, I look over to see a small blonde boy, his face covered in freckles.

"Isn't that just the cutest thing?" I whisper to myself, not remembering much from before I saw the orb. The boys face scrunches up with confusion.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" I look at him furrowing my brows.

"Hyung?" I ask him. "I'm no Hyung..." I trail off as the boy's jaw drops. Slowly, a dark cloud forms in the room and thunder crackles, which draws a look of confusion and concern onto my face. This makes the clouds grow darker as the boy's face twists with concern. Suddenly he spins around and runs out of the room and the cloud disappears instantly as soon as he crosses the doorway.

"Channie Hyung! There's something wrong with Lee Know Hyung!" My eyes widen as I stand up and look around in confusion at the unfamiliar surroundings and what just happened with the freckled boy. Looking around frantically I see a mirror and run towards it hoping I see myself. Looking into the mirror, I see the face from the orb. The red-haired boy that looked so worried and anxious, is me. What is happening-

"Oh my stars... Lee Know?!"
I whip around to see who spoke, my heart pounding and my breath unsteady. A man slightly shorter than me with blonde hair looks at me with concern. "Minho? Are you... Alright?" He asks worriedly. I open my mouth, but I'm unable to say anything. I sigh.

"...No... Yes?" I groan. "Oh I don't know..." I look to the right, staring at nothing as I try to process everything. The man squints at me, and then the room slowly gets brighter. I look around startled. "What in the world is going on...." I mumble, wide-eyed. He steps closer to me to inspect my face further. "I must be asleep..." I say, squinting my eyes shut and shaking my head. The man stands up straight, worry covering his face.

"I can promise you, none of this is a dream..." I look over at him, my heart still racing. I try pinching my arm, and I jump when I feel it loud and clear.

"Aishhh!" I hiss. Chan furrows his brows and reaches his hand out to my shoulder. The second he rests his hand on my shoulder it seems as if he's trying to take all my stress away from me.

A picture of my favorite place comes up in my head, the beach, the water, the sand, the sun, and the clear sky. Gradually, I feel my body relax into Chan's embrace. I then begin to see myself in my body standing on the beach watching the moon rise, and then I see me riding the wave. A sense of pride radiates from Chan, who watches with me. I see the wave consuming my body and I see the blue glow again. The feeling from Chan is no longer pride but a sense of fear, like he is afraid for my safety. I see more of the orbs up close this time. I see the cute freckled boy, with the clouds and lightning over his head as he frets over Lee knows' condition. I see Chan, with the sun behind him like he's a literal star that fell from the sky. Then I see Lee Know. The boy that I became. The boy that is now lost in Australia. The boy that looked so worried in the orb. I see the orb going towards me and my body taking on the blue glow as I slowly vanish. Then I see me - or rather Lee Know - in the bed. At last, I come back to the present to where Chan is looking at me in wonder. Looking deeper, concern and worry glimmers in his eyes for the actual Minho.

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