Behind the Light

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I stretch yawning, and look at my phone screen for the time. 1:30 AM. I sigh, and look at myself in the mirror. I’m soaking wet with sweat and I'm breathing heavily. “Ugh… I’m exhausted…” I mumble to myself. Shaking my head, I stand up and make my way over to my phone so I can hit replay on the song I was practicing. I pick up my phone and unlock it, but right as I was about to hit replay I hear the door open. Looking over to see who came in, I hear a familiar yawn.

“Ah… You’re up too.” Chan says sleepily. I glance over at him and nod.

“Yep. I’m awake.” I respond, not having the energy to say much more on the matter. Chan looks at the phone in my hand, then finally notices my soaking wet shirt.

“Practicing this late in the night?” he asks. I nod and then hit repeat. Setting my phone down next to the speaker,I walk back up to the mirror and wait for the song to start. The beat starts and my body quickly moves into action. I watch myself in the mirror to make sure I do everything perfect. Chan silently sighs and moves to the edge of the room and sits down, pulling his laptop out of his bag and setting it on his lap. As I practice the choreo, one of the lights flicker and go out. I look up at it and sigh in annoyance, before going back over to my phone to restart the song.
I hit restart and start dancing to the song again. As I do one of the choreographed spins, my foot slips and I trip on my own feet. Catching myself, I stand upright and shake my head in frustration. “I’m not doing well at all right now.” I muse internally. Letting out a silent huff, I turn back to my phone to rewind the song again so I can practice that part another time. Chan glances up at me when he hears me tripping and watches as I frustratedly grab my phone to rewind the song. He stares for a moment, then stands up silently. Slowly, he approaches me.

“Hey…” He says quietly.

I look at him, blinking a couple times. “Yeah?” I respond.

He sighs, and slowly the room brightens a bit. HE takes a closer look at me then shakes his head. “You need to go to sleep… Trust me.” I open my mouth, a protest on my tongue, but he continues before I can say anything. ‘I get it. You probably can’t sleep. I’m the same way. But you gotta at least try to sleep. Your body needs it.” He looks into my eyes, his gaze full of sincerity. I sigh and look down.

“I know…” I trail off for a moment, thinking. After a moment,, an idea comes to mind and I look up at him. “How about we make a deal?” I ask him.

He looks at me, his eyebrow lifted. “And what may that deal imply?” He questions.

A yawn escapes my mouth before I respond. “You answer a question of mine, and I go to sleep.”

Chan looks away, processing my proposition. “Hmmm… What would the question be?” He asks after a moment.

I roll my eyes with frustration. “I want to know about your powers.” I say bluntly.

Chan looks up at me quickly, surprised. “W-what?” HE asks. “My powers?” He blinks and looks down, weighing the possible outcomes.

“Yes.” I retort. “I wanna know what's going on here. If you tell me what the heck it is that you do, I’ll go to sleep.” I continue firmly.

Chan licks his lips nervously. “Why not - erm - ask another question?” He questions weakly.

I stare at him. “Because that’s the only one I got right now.” I reply. It’s then that I notice how uncomfortable he looks and I suddenly back up. “Ah….I didn’t mean to be so blunt.” I mutter. “I must really be tired…” I pick up my phone and take it off the aux cord.

“No no, You’re fine.” Chan quickly replies, looking slightly guilty. “I forget how hard this must be for you… being stuck in a new body….” He trails off for a moment, then sighs. “My power… I can control light.” He says softly.

I look at him. “Light?” I ask, hoping he will clarify.

“Yeah…” He says quietly. “Light.” Suddenly the room gets much lighter for a moment, then dims to how it was, then gets slightly brighter again.

I stare at him wide-eyed. “Woah… So that WAS you…” I say, looking around the practice room in tired awe.

He giggles nervously. “Yeah… That’s me.” he lets out a lopsided dimple smile, and I can’t help but melt a bit at it. Sudden;y I yawn again. “OK. Now that I have answered your question, you should go to sleep.”

I chuckle. “I guess so. I still don't want to go to sleep though.” I grumble.

“You can practice more in the morning.”

“But I keep messing up all the time!” I groan. “I’ll never have it just right in time!”

He smiles at me empathetically. “Hey, sometimes what you need is rest, and I think this is one of those times.”

I sigh. “Ugh… Fine. I’ll go to sleep now.” I grumble again, grabbing my phone and keys. I walk over to the door then turn around. “G’Night Chan.” I whisper, before opening the door and walking out of the room.


Chan waits for the door to close, then lets out a big sigh. He shakes his head. “There's something off about her.” He whispers, walking over to his laptop and putting it back in his bag. “I wonder how Minho is doing.”

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