Gods Menu

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I yawn leaning against the back of my chair, my head hanging with exhaustion.

“Hyung?” I look up to see tiny Jeongin standing in front of me, his head tilted.

“Yes Innie?”

“Don’t you want to see how this take went?” He questioned.

I smile. “Right! How could I forget to watch?” I ask teasingly, standing up and making my way to the monitor where all the other members are currently surrounding to watch their recent take of the scene they are filming for the upcoming music video. Jeongin follows in suit and gently shrugs in front of everyone so he can see the monitor better. I chuckle at how cute he, Seungmin, and Felix look. Han glances over at me for a second, then looks back at the monitor. I look at the monitor in turn and after a minute, the clip is over.

“Personally, I think everyone did really well in this take.”I comment.

Hyunjin nods. “I didn’t see any mistakes either.” He quips.

“Alright!” Chan declares. “I think we should all take a small break to catch our breaths for the next scene.” Everyone nods in agreement and I sigh in relief. Turning around, I make my way to my chair again. As I sit, I sense someone sitting down next to me, and I glance over to see Changbin looking at me.

“Are you alright?” He asks.

I nod. “Yeah, I’m doing fine. I’m just tired!” I smile tiredly at him.

“Hm…” He looks at me for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. “I’ll be right back.” He says standing up.

“Sounds good to me.” I respond, leaning my head back against the back of the chair. Changbin walks away, and I glance over to see what he's doing. He approaches Jeongin and says something to him, pointing at me. Jeongin nods and turns around, reaching for something. Turning back around, he holds out a bag to Changbin, who grabs it with a smile. Turning to his right, Changbin walks out into the hallway.
After a minute, he comes back in, still holding the bag. He makes his way across the filming area to me and sits down, holding the bag out to me.

“Here, have this!” he says with a smile. I smile back and gently take the bag from his hands. Setting it on my lap, I open it to reveal a large roll of kimbap wrapped in some plastic wrap. Squeaking with excitement, I pull it out of the bag and unwrap it, taking a large bite out of it.

“Oh my gosh…” I mumble through the food. “This is the best kimbap I’ve ever had…” I continue, scarfing down the roll. Changbin chuckles proudly, watching me eat. I glance over at him. “Do you want some? If you do, take it before I eat it all!” I grin, holding the last bit of the roll out to him. He shakes his head with a giggle.

“I’m good! I ma- It’s all for you!” He says, stumbling over his words.

I lift an eyebrow at him. “Yeah?” I ask teasingly.

“Ah… Hehe…” He chuckles nervously, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. He glances over at someone, then sighs.

“Is something wrong Changbin?” I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Chan looking at Changbin with slight concern. Changbin looks at him, then at me, then back at Chan, a question resting in his eyes. Chan stares for a moment lost, then it clicks and his eyes light up in realization.

“Oh.. uhh… It’s up to you.” He says, voice full of support. I watch them with confusion.

“I must be right…” I think to myself. “They all have powers…”

Changbin sighs, then looks at me. “Well, You might have already gathered this - I hope you hadn’t - but I also have powers.”

I stare at him for a moment, seemingly surprised. “I had no clue!” I say, whimsical. He glances at Chan, who smiles encouragingly.

He sighs, then looks back at me. “My powers are that I can make ANY kind of food… taste REALLY good.” He looks back at Chan with a glimmer in his eyes. “At least, that’s what all the members say.”

I grin. “The members are right, you know.” He stares at me. “That kimbap roll was probably the best one I’ve ever had!” I exclaim.

Changbin grins wide, overjoyed that I thought the roll tasted good. “You know, I have a question actually.” I state, Chan and Changbin exchanging glances.

“...Yeeees?” Chan asks hesitantly.

“Do all of you boys have a power?” I question them, both of them seemingly uneasy.

“Uhhhhhhh…” Chan trails off, glancing at the other boys. “I think that’s something for them to say.” He states after a moment of thought. I nod slowly.

“Soooo… they do?” I repeat myself, perking up.

Chan whinces internally. “Again, that’s all for them to say, not me. Please do not pry me about this.”
I nod, suddenly embarrassed. “Can I at least ask you if I have a power?” He looks at me again, contemplating what he should say.

Sighing, he nods his head. “Yes… You have a power as well. I would advise you to try not to use it yet though.”

I nod slowly. “Alright. I won’t.”

He smiles at me, then looks elsewhere where something has caught his attention. “It’s time?” He asks, then after a moment he nods. “Alright!” He stands up. “Everyone! Time to start filming again!” He announces. Everyone gets up from where they are sitting and heads back over to the area where we are filming.



Please tell me I'm the ONLY person that thinks this chapter is rushed. I Lowkey really hope it's just me

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