School Life Pt.1

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(Lee-know’s perspective)

I groan. Suddenly I taste sand in my mouth. “Sand?” I mumble to myself. I open my eyes and I instantly feel a splitting headache. “Ugh… It's so bright…” I mumble again. Looking around, I realize I’m on a beach. Wait. A BEACH?! I look around frantically. How did I get here?! All of a sudden, I hear buzzing nearby and I see a phone. “I wonder whose phone this is…” I mutter while picking it up. I turn the phone over so I can see the screen. “Oh. Someone is calling.” I mumble again. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear.


I stare at the phone in surprise. It's in english.

“A-ah… Hello?” I finally respond.

“Gunt? Are you ok? You don’t sound that good.” The voice sounded worried.

“Gunt? Who’s Gunt?”

“Uhm… What do you mean who is Gunt. That’s you girl! I’m really worried about you now. Where are you?” The voice demands, sounding much more worried than before.

“What do you mean I’m Gunt? My name is Minho! Who are you?”

“Girl, I know you’re not that Minho guy. You really need some delulu pills. Also Girl you know me. I’m really worried. This isn’t funny. Where are you?” The voice cracks at the end and then there’s a suppressed sob.

I lick my lips nervously. “U-uh……..” I sigh and look down at my hand, feeling overwhelmed. What is she saying?  My eyebrows furrow. These are not my hands. That is not my bracelet.

“I’m just going to track your phone. You’re really worrying me.” The voice says shakily. The phone hangs up.

“N-no! Wait!” I say hastily, but the call has already ended. I sigh shakily and turn off the phone. Then I see my reflection and I jump, dropping the phone. “Oh my stars… This is not real…” I mumble. Suddenly there's a burst of wind and I shiver, just now noticing my soaking wet clothes. “Well, I’m not dreaming…” I trail off and pick up the phone again to look at my reflection. I have long dark brown hair, currently dripping wet with sea water, and a narrow face and large brows. I blink. “So I’m a girl….” I mumble. A crab scuttles by and I stare at it for a moment, then everything goes black.

A second later, I open my eyes and see the girl, staring at me confused. Why is she so big? I wonder. The girl struggles to get up for a moment, then starts sliding across the beach on her belly. What? I look down and see that I now have…. Pinchers?! I look back at the girl in a panic, squinting,  and everything goes black again.

I open my eyes and look down frantically. I sigh in relief when I see that I have hands again. I look over at the crab. It looks back at me for a moment,then scuttles away frantically. I chuckle. “I don’t blame you buddy.” I whisper. I sigh and look around the rocky beach, running a hand through my hair, then shivering because of the wet cold feeling I  get. “So I’m in a girl's body right now… And she is a body swapper… This is great.” I mutter. I stare at the waves. “I wonder where I am…” I trail off.

“You’re on Bronte Beach. Your favorite spot.” I hear the semi-familiar voice. It must be the person I was talking to on the phone. I turn around and see a girl around my age looking at me like she is about to cry. “Gunt… I told you not to go surfing at night! You could've died!” The girl starts smiling, and I suddenly feel uneasy around her. What is she even saying?

“Ah… uhm…” I grapple for words, wishing I had studied just a bit harder at english. “I’m sorry..?” I say after a moment, hoping that was the right thing to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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