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After a few months I got used to the life of Minho and Stray Kids. It was strange how I knew all of the dances, lyrics, and everything else that Minho knew when I didn't before. It would surprise me every time a song would start that I swore I didn't know, only for my body to react to it as if I danced to it all my life. We've tried as much as we could to go back to my home country to look for the real Lee Know but unfortunately as idols, we had grueling schedules that made it extremely hard to go search for him. While I had to fill this role, the members tried their hardest to make sure I was comfortable.

I sigh and stare at myself [Minho] in the practice room mirror. Felix sits in the back corner of the room eating fruit snacks, and on my right, Hyunjin stood next to me wiping sweat from his forehead.

"We are doing pretty good so far." He comments breathlessly.

"Yeah." I huff back. I stand up straight again and move back to my starting point on the floor.

"Let's do it just one more time, sound good?" I ask Hyunjin. Soundlessly, he nods and moves into position. I reach over and grab my phone, clicking replay. I set the phone face down on the ground, and the song starts booming through the speakers. Instantly my body moves into action. As I'm dancing to the unreleased track 'Megaverse', my mind wanders and I find myself thinking about how Minho must be coping up in my body back in Australia. I hope he's doing alright. The beat drops in the song, and I go in for the choreographed flip. Gracefully, I twist in the air and come back down to the ground, but something is off. I've landed wrong.

A sharp pain shoots up my right leg. Fudge, I think to myself. This is the last thing that I wanted to happen. Quickly Hyunjin pauses the music and rushes to my side.

"Hey, you good?" He asks, looking at my ankle. Suddenly, my ankle goes out and I fall hard butt-first to the floor.
I hear a soft gasp from the corner of the room, and then some small but quick footsteps rush over to my side.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" Felix asks me, his deep voice surprising me yet again.

"Ah, yeah-" I wince. "Yeah, I'm good Lixie!" I smile, but it's not very reassuring. Hyunjin gets a good look at my ankle and winces as well.

"Yikes!" He whispers to himself. "That doesn't look too good..." He trails off when he sees Felix's face. I glance at my ankle and see that it's starting to swell and turn purple. I look up at Felix and notice that clouds are starting to form all around the ceiling.

"Oh no no no no no no no..." Hyunjin mutters. Confused, I give him a questioning look. Hyunjin looks back at me and shakes his head, sighing.

"I'll.... Explain later.." He says, turning to Felix. He puts his hand on his shoulder and starts rubbing his shoulder with his thumb, making sure his body blocked Felix's view of my ankle.

"Hey, it'll be alright. Minho Hyung is gonna be alright. Hey, hey... come on now! No need to worry!" Hyunjin whispers. I watch as slowly, the clouds dissipate into thin air

"Woah..." I breathe. When Felix finally peers back over Hyunjins shoulder to look at my ankle, a look of relief fills his eyes. Smiling, Felix skips back to the corner of the room where his fruit snacks are.

Hyunjin stands up and turns around to face me. He takes one look at my face and sighs in defeat.

"Yeah so uhm.... You know how Chan Hyung has powers?" He looks at me cautiously. I nod.

"...Yes? I mean, what else could it be?" In an horrible attempt to lighten the mood, I giggle nervously. Hyunjin smiles uncomfortably.

"This was bound to happen eventually." He groans to himself. He looks at me, licking his lips nervously. "Well, Chan Hyung isn't the only one who's got powers." He hesitates, as if he's wondering if this is a good idea. I nod encouragingly. "Felix has powers too. He can control the weather." He glances at Lix. "His abilities seem very.... Emotion driven, if you get what I mean?" I nod.

"That's... Actually really cool!" I exclaim. Hyunjin snorts.

"Yeah... I guess it is." I look at Hyunjin for a moment in thought.

"Hyunjin?" I ask. He turns back and looks at me.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Do... all of you guys have powers?" I inquire, an eyebrow raised. Hyunjin shifts his sitting position trying to hide his discomfort.

"Uh... well-"

Seungmin busts in the room, interrupting Hyunjin.

"Hyungs?" We both look over at him. "Chan Hyung needs you guys in his studio to pick out songs you guys want to do on stage." Hyunjin shoots Seungmin a grateful look, unbeknownst to me, and I nod.

"Thank you for letting me know, Seungmin!" I pipe cheerfully. He smiles at me awkwardly, then dips his head and walks out. "Well," I sigh. "Shall we head off?" He nods and stands up glancing at Felix.

"Yep. Bokie! It's time to head to Chan Hyungs studio!" Felix looks up from his fruit snacks with a smile.

"Ok!" He grins, getting up from the floor and racing to the door. Hyunjin chuckles at him and opens the door. We all step out into the hallway and work our way down to Chan's studio.

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