Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents

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I don't like your little games, don't like your tilted stage. The role you made me play of the fool.

"Boys, don't you think it's a little rude to be arguing in front of a lady?"

"You're not a lady, you're my sister!"

Ominis could tell instantly that had been the wrong thing for Sebastian to say. And by the sounds of his yelps, he had deducted that Anne had either tried to hex him or had thrown something at him. "Hey! What's that for?"

"Turn around you numbskull!"

Ominis turned his head in curiosity. He had been so busy fighting with Sebastian, he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings as he normally did.

He felt Sebastian instantly jump up from the table. "SABRINA!"

As soon as her name had left his mouth, Ominis was also on his feet. His legs were suddenly feeling like his bones had vanished, and his heart was pounding in his chest as he listened at the exchange.

When he heard Sabrina's voice, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. "I'm fine, Sebastian. Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't see you while I was in the hospital."

Ominis heard Sabrina turn towards him, and suddenly he found himself rushing towards her to embrace her. She had never felt so small in his arms before, and it startled him. However, he could smell the faint smell of clean linen and flowers that he associated with her, and he instantly knew it was her. She was alive and well.

Just holding her there was enough to unknot every muscle in his body.

"I'm so glad you're alright," Ominis told her as he tightened his grip carefully. "We've been so worried."

'I've been so worried.'

Ominis didn't need to see to tell that his younger sister was nervous. The Hogwarts Express had left Hogsmeade Station a few hours ago, and she had hardly said a word to him the entire trip. In his defense, Ominis wasn't very talkative either. He was anxious knowing that Sebastian, Anne, and Sabrina were also on this train, and just one wrong move or look from any of them could cause a problem for the whole group.

Sighing, Ominis leaned his head back and tried to get Sabrina out of his mind. However, this was proven easier said than done. Even though the pair had spent all morning and all night together, he felt that spending all that time with her had only caused this longing feeling to be worse.

There's more at stake, he thought to himself quietly, feeling his resolve strengthen. I don't care what I have to do. They won't touch her. They won't win.

Finally, he heard Corvina speak. "Do you think it will work?"

Ominis moved his head in her direction. "It's your plan. If anyone should be certain of its effectiveness, it should be you."

She hesitated. "I've never gone against the family like this before though." Corvina's voice was low and shaky. "I don't want to make it worse for you."

Neither did Ominis. He took a deep breath and felt his protectiveness start to rise up again. He had to reassure his sister that it would be okay, even if he wasn't too sure himself. "Corvina, I will be fine," he spoke firmly. "Just remember your plan. It's simple, but effective if done correctly. Don't panic, and if it works well then this will be the last time we'll ever see the manor."

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