ch 27. trapped

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After a very fun fishing and skating activity in the frozen lake for almost throughout the whole morning..we went back to our cabin and cooked the fish that we caught..this is when we start planning our next stop..and the main attraction of this resort

The hot springs, they said that the hot springs in this place displays healing abilities..not only that, it's also good for relaxing.. though we need to hike a bit more up to get there...


Hiking up the mountain was made easy since the road towards the hot spring was adorned by poles with bright yellow lights on the side to guide the guest and not have them lost..

While we we're walking I saw a glimpse of something on the side of my vision right on the woods.. a majestic elk with a large antler glowing bright yellow..the same colors as those light.

The sight made me stop..what is it? It kept staring at me, and then it walks into the forest..

I then followed it out if curiosity..what did I just saw? I kept following it's tracks..the suddenly


"Where are you going!?" Cassandra held onto my shoulders stopping me from going deeper in..that's when I realize what happen...I can't fully understand it

"I uhh..following an elk?"

"An elk? There's no such thing, you just suddenly went off course and-" she looks around to see that they are already too deep inside the woods, they can't even see the lights on the road any more "great..we are lost"


"No- you don't have too..I'm sure that spirits are just being playful"

"Spirits?" I ask

"You don't know? There is a reason why the hot springs here have healing properties, this place has a lot of spirits..they can be playful so visitors are advice not to follow suspicious things.. hmm, your not listening to me when I told everyone that didn't you?"

"When did you tell these information?'

"Back when we are still in the carriage"

"I must've fell asleep"

"Desmond.. I'm sure you know that I already pieced that out"

"Yeah....I know"

The Two of us continue to walk around and try to find a path,  the cold is also becoming a bit unbearable

"It's getting cold.." Cassandra spoke

"That's surprising..aren't you a iceagic user?"

"That doesn't mean I'm fully immune to cold"


Eventually we saw light, we thought that it was the trail, but it is not.. what we find instead is a small log cabin in between two large rocks... Since it was dark and we have no choice we decided to check it out

I knocked the door twice and call for anyone inside..but no one answered, pushing the door open we find it empty... The place has a single chest, a pile of fire wood and another door in leading what's in the middle those two big boulders 

Cassandra open the door just to see a hot spring...maybe this is a private cabin? We don't really know..but at least we won't be staying out there in the cold..

I behind to start the fire place to heat up the cabin..but it would take a while before it's fully warm since this place seems to be empty for quiet some time now

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