ch 29. Cassandra's Dilemma

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[let's magically go back a few days after the trip]

"What are you thinking about right now Cass?" Anna asked me, I was staring out the window of my dorm room for quiet some times now..and I didn't even realize it until Anna talked..

"Sorry, I'm just... Thinking" what happened that night..I can't really take it out my mind, when the spirits tricked Desmond- no, it's not just him who was tricked. I was also tricked by them knowing that I'll follow him, not only that..I did some embarrassing things too..

I knew the stories about the spirits..and the legends surrounding them, really? Me and Desmond as a couple??? it's ridiculous right? But they also said that the spirits won't do that for people that doesn't have any feelings for each other..and the playful spirits of that mountain..they don't lie.

Anyways.. Anna was here because she said she wanna have some tea and I invited her in, I don't have time to think about it..I have a guest to look after!

"Is it about Desmond?" Anna suddenly  said

"Wah- how did you? I-I.. yes.. it's about him" of course she'd known, I told her about the spirits back then "it's weird isn't it?"

"Cass" she smiled "there's nothing wrong about it if you like him, he helped you a lot and I'm sure he's the one your the most closed with"

"But..what would he think about me?.. just a few months ago I'm engaged and blurted about the prince and all that stuff, silly isn't it? The girl who was not chosen by the person she loved..just..went and go, find another person..I'm sure that he'll find it ridiculous- umm.. sorry, I shouldn't be blurting about the prince in front of you"

"No! No! It's fine Cass" she looked a bit.. sad? Or maybe confused? I dunno.. but I'm sure that there's still lingering feeling for the prince deep within her..and I won't really mind it anymore if she became our future queen..I'll just have to make sure that the prince will treat her correctly..but it was her choice to stay away

"Cass, I don't think Desmond will ridicule you if he finds out that you like's just natural really..he's a decent guy, and he helped you a lot..anddd if the spirits are correct, he also like you"

I hid my face from's embarrassing to think that my face felt warm after she said that

Anna laughs a bit and smiled "if you are still unsure, why not approach him slowly about it? Why not invite him to accompany you in the upcoming festival?"

"The festival?"

"Mhm, I'll even ask Tom to not invite Desmond to walk around..I can't assure you but.. whatever happens! I'll be on your side!"

I can only smile "you're right, I'm gonna do what's that... But- since when did I feel like this towards him?"



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