ch 40. The Forge

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Training immediately starts my mother training Cassandra while me and Thomas are being trained in combat by the duke.

And there's Anna, her training will start once the grand priest arive.. right now he was busy doing important things..

"Use your shadows to attack more! And don't he scared to use your allies as distraction!" The duke shouted as Tom and I attack him together...

We may be younger but he's clearly more stronger and have more experience than both of us combined.

The training stops for a bit when Miss Celine and Emellie appeared calling out my name

"It seems that they have something to tell you..go with them. Young Thomas! We will continue"

"Can't I have a break first!?" Thomas exclaimed catching his breath

"No can do!"

I just laugh a bit and follow the elf and her apprentice..good luck Thomas..


Miss Celine and Emellie brought me in a small building in the duke's estate that was transformed into a workshop... There celine would unvail a a blue print for something.

The blue print looks like a some sort of gauntlet..with very intricate design.. not on how it looks but how much engineering went to it..bunch of wires and stuff it seems.. what is this for anyways?

"How is it?" Ask Celine

"It's a gauntlet alright..but what for??" I ask still looking at the blue print that the had shown me

"Its Emellie's idea, a gauntlet that would allow a non magic swordsman to wield magic"

Did I hear that right? Traditionaly magic items are hard to make due to magicians imbuing an object with magic..but this thing.. somehow I feel like it's going to be much more easier to make..well in a sense that many people with skills still needs to make this.

"We still don't have a name for it though... And we want you to join us in making it as our tester"

"I see..but how does it work?"

"Well..umm.. while trying many methods on storing magic, I invented a special liquid that have properties that can store magic" she then show a glass container of sorts that is as big as a double A battery from my original world  "and this is where we put that liquid.. we make someone with magic focus their magic into it and that magic would be stored" the she points at the blueprint "and we can put this charged container in a slot in this gauntlet and you will be able to use magic.. well basic magic.. like flame thrower, electric stun and more.. but since we are making thus for a swordsman, you can charge your mithral blade with magic"

Charging my sword with magic.. that could work, Just like that time Anna charged my magic with her holy power letting me damage the demon.

"Amazing.. This is great Emellie! Your a genius" I complimented her making the red haired girl blush from embarrassment

"I-I'm just doing my best to contribute!"

"And that is why we are going to the dwarven blacksmith in town.. he's a good friend of he duke, and it seems that he's the one with made that sword of yours" Celine said with a smile

The one that forge my mithral sword? I see..I forgot but I remember Cassandra did say it was made by a dwarf

"So we are going now?"

"Yep.. we have to work closely with him because we need a great craftsman to make this..and there are none better than a dwarf"


The sound of a hammer hitting the anvil as the dwarven black smith is forging a sword..

Me and the other two can only watch as this master craftsman as he shape the metal to a sword..and then quenching the sword to harden it. Once that's done he finally able to talk to us

"So? What er ye 3 want?" The dwarvern blacksmith ask

"W-wellll... Sir.. we need a craftsman for a project that we are doing, and the duke told us that you are our best bet" said Emellie

"Hmmm? So the duke told send ye eh? Come in... Let's talk inside"

Once inside Emellie unrolls the blue print making the blacksmith dwarf intrigued "oh?~ interesting...who designed this? Is it you elf?"

"I wish I have this kind of idea.. I only help a bit..majority of the design and idea came from this young lady over here" Celine answered

"I see.. yer great!" The dwarf compliments the red head making her embarass

"So? I assume yer be the one to wear this gauntlet eh boy?" He said to me "wait.. that sword.. oh! I remember that piece! Its the sword ordered by the lady! So ye are her friend eh!? "

"Yes.. thanks to this sword I'm still alive.. it's been a great help for me, it's a great sword"

"Thank you ~ it looks simple as the lady said her friend wants  a simple sword"

"She really knows my doesn't really matter..what matters is how good it was"

"Heh, alright then! I agree on helping you lot with this gauntlet!"

And with that.. the production of the gauntlet starts...


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