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                         Katara P0V

Appa swooped down and picked me and Aang up out of the Crystal Catacombs. Sokka and Toph rushed to my side to see Aang's condition.

I immediately took out the spirit water I got from the North Pole and put it on Aang's wound, shaking in fear. I can't lose him too!

"Wh-What happened to him!?" Toph questioned, shocked.

"It was Azula, she shot him with lightning while he was in the Avatar State!" I explained, my hands shivering.

"Wait, where... Where's Y/N...?" Sokka asked, fear and worry in his eyes.

I began to tear up and my lower lip trembled. "Y/N..."

I slammed my eyes shut as tears rolled down my cheeks, "Azula and Zuko killed her."

I clutched Aang's body, and hoped for a miracle. Maybe the spirit water would bring him back. Maybe somehow, Y/N would return, the same way she did before.

                            ??? P0V

Both Sokka and Katara were thinking the same thing.

"First it was mom, then they separated me and Y/N, then dad went off to fight in the war and Y/N became distant. And now... Aang and Y/N are gone, all because of the same exact thing. The Fire Nation..."

Sokka's expression hardened as he held Appa's reins and led everyone in a different direction. There was somewhere they had to go.

After some time, Appa landed in Chameleon Bay, the place where Southern Water Tribe warriors met to create battle plans and recover from any injuries from fighting. This meant they would be able to see...

Hakoda approached the fluffy bison and gasped as he looked upon Aang's scarred body in Katara's arms.

When he saw his children's expressions, he could tell something horrible had happened.

Sensing the tension, Toph hopped off of Appa and set her feet firmly on the ground, getting a better view of everything.

Hakoda knew better than to bombard Sokka and Katara with questions, as they clearly weren't in the best state of mind. Instead, he walked over to Toph and asked, "Is the boy...?"

Toph shook her head, "He's not dead. His heart's still beating, albeit slowly."

"He's alive? But their expressions are so..." He paused for a moment, analyzing their faces.

Both Katara and Sokka had depressing countenances. It was painfully familiar for Hakoda. The look in their eyes was a look of grief.

He tensed up and his eyes widened. He looked back at Toph, who lowered her head.

"You... You know what happened now, don't you?" She muttered.

"...Y/N..." Hakoda whispered, shocked. His heart ached, "It's been years since I've last seen her, and now she's...?"

He was frozen in place. The last time he saw you, you were but a small child, no older than nine.

Hakoda shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath. Without saying a word, he puller Sokka and Katara into a somber embrace. Momo flew over onto Katara's shoulder, shutting his eyes and purring with a mournful tone.

Katara began to sob and tears were dripping from Sokka's eyes. As their tears fell, rain soon came falling after.

Toph furrowed her eyebrows as she sensed the pain within the hug
the three shared.

Truthfully, she was also afflicted by what had occured. She felt... Out of place. She felt lost. She knew a lot, and she could do a lot of things, but when it came to something as miserable as everything going on... Toph wasn't sure what to do.

She turned on her heel and listened to Aang's slow heartbeat. It was a bit calming, knowing he was alive, but it also hurt, since she knew that you weren't.

She knew that you had your own problems that practically haunted you, and she knew that you felt lost at times, too. Even then, all it took was a bit of advice and you would get back up again.

"...Please... Get back up, Y/N..." She whispered, stroking Appa's soft fur.

She wouldn't let this hold her down, no way would she let that happen.

But it still hurt.

"..." Toph walked over to Hakoda, Katara, and Sokka, wrapping her arms around them as well.

She knew she was the greatest earthbender of all time, but she also wanted to be the greatest friend she could.

You would always try to comfort others, so maybe she could try the same?

She shut her milky green eyes and sighed, creasing her brows.

It was a bit ironic, wasn't it? 

Aang and Appa had lost the rest of the Air Nomads and sky bison.

Katara and Sokka had lost their mother and sister.

Toph had cut off her mother and father.

Even then, they all came together to create another kind of family.

As droplets of water fell from the heavens and out of their eyes, they felt some of the sadness, albeit, a mere fraction of it all, fading away.

For now, there was still something to fight for. Something they had to fight for.
This strange, yet comforting family they head created.

. . .

The ones believed to be responsible for your death. . .

Were Zuko and Azula.

Hakoda clenched his fists.

Sokka opened his eyes. They seemed darker and duller than their usual bright blue.

Katara grit her teeth and the raindrops falling around her turned into hail and sharp daggers of ice. Her warm aura was tainted with frustration, confusion, grief, and animosity.

You would be. . .



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