The Storm

572 27 22

Shorter chapter, but you're okay with that, right? It's still over 2000 words.

For reference, the medications Felix was put on are Gabapentin and Codeine which are both used for pain relief (Gabapentin is an anti-convulsant, but it is commonly used as an off-brand nerve pain reliever). 

That said. I think you know where this is going now.

Need I say it again? I'm sorry Felix.


Chan settled into bed. Not to go to sleep though - obviously - but just to try to settle down and do something that would relax him. Heaven knows he needed it. 

Pulling out a book from his nightstand, he flipped it open and fanned through the pages to find his spot. He probably should have just started again from the beginning - he hadn't taken the time to sit down and read in forever - but he knew he wouldn't ever finish the book if he kept starting over. So, he settled on chapter 8 and pulled his blanket up around his chest, snuggling down into his pillow, reading by the little book-light that flickered every ten seconds. He didn't want to wake up Changbin next to him though, so he just dealt with it. 

It was finally peaceful. It was perfect. The members were tucked in and sleeping. He was enjoying the quiet for once in his lifetime. 

That was until his door was broken down by Seungmin. Chan flinched so hard that he dropped his book to the floor. "Hyung!" The younger exclaimed, any care for staying quiet for Changbin's sake gone. "Hyung!" He repeated, running across the room to Chan's bedside. 

The leader was already throwing his blanket off of himself. "What's wrong, Minnie?" He blurted, reaching out to grab Seungmin's elbows. He was shaking. He was violently shaking like he'd been submerged in ice from head to toe, but the terror in the vocalist's eyes told Chan that it wasn't coldness that was triggering the tremors. What could get Seungmin so worked up? He was nearly unshakable. 

"Hey, Minnie, baby, what's wrong?" Chan cooed, working to calm his heartrate which had started pounding triple time when the vocalist broke down his door. 

"What's happening?" Changbin's tired voice asked from his bed, where he was crawling out of his cocoon of blankets and pillows to get eyes on the situation. 

"Deep breaths, Minnie. Did you have a bad dream?" Chan whispered, smoothing out the younger's hair. 

"No. No. Hyung, it's Felix. I don't know what to do." 

Chan's heart skipped another beat, and he froze, staring in Seungmin's eyes shining in the darkness. Not again. Deja Vu hit him so hard from last night that he nearly toppled over backwards onto his bed. But he needed to stay calm. Though it was hard when Seungmin was so clearly terrified. "What's wrong with Felix, Minnie?" 

Changbin was already out of bed, bolting across the room to the doorway while Chan tried to take it slow, holding tightly to Seungmin who was shaking so hard his legs looked like they were seconds from giving up entirely. 

"He threw up. He said it hurts, but he won't say more than that." 

"Okay. Okay, Minnie." He squeezed the younger tighter. Seungmin was usually a rock, so for him to be so worked up, he must have been truly terrified. Chan's heart went out to him - it's hard to hold it together sometimes. "It's going to be alright, Minnie. Can you take a big breath for me?"

Seungmin put a lot of effort into brining a big gulp of air in, holding it, then letting it out. He nodded after a few seconds. "Okay. I'm okay. Sorry." 

"Don't apologize." Chan smiled softly, petting Seungmin's hair. "Here." He offered his hand, the younger reluctantly took it and allowed the leader to bring him back into his room where Changbin was sitting on the bed beside Felix who was actively puking into a trash can. 

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