02. Links and a Nightmare

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"Aegon Targaryen, naejot get se sīkuda dārȳti va se arlī hen balerion, se rovaja zaldrīzes mirre ūndegīva...  hae se zōbrie dread daor mērī kesrio syt zȳhon escalas istan bona ēnka. Yn kesrio syt zȳhon perzys también zōbrie. Skori ziry Vile ziry istan caras naejot ruaragon tegón leda rūsīr zȳhon sȳndor... Aegon dīnagon zȳhon lanta mandia, dāria Rhaenys se dāria Visenya... 

(Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror, managed to obtain the Seven Kingdoms on the back of Balerion, the largest dragon ever seen... known as the Black Dread not only because his scales were that color. But because his flame was also dark... When he flew he was able to cover entire villages with his shadow.... Aegon married his two sisters, Queens Rhaenys and Visenya...)"

"Your High Valyrian sounds very good... I would say it's excellent," said Prince Aegon proudly as he entered the library of his mansion.

In it was his daughter Daemma, who was standing with a book in her hand, practicing the language of her ancestors with enthusiasm, the years had passed quickly and that little baby had become an adorable and beautiful girl, who had already reached her ninth onomastic.

Daemma walked around with a light yellow dress that matched her white skin and her long wavy hair that was dark blonde, anyone who saw her immediately fixed their eyes on her face, which always had an innocent and sweet look, not for nothing many people referred to her as the girl with an angelic face, although deep inside it was not so real.

There was no doubt that Lady Daemma was probably the most calm, obedient and sensible of her siblings, because Naemon was a reckless boy, a lover of adventures and always carried out activities that took him to the brink of death, causing his parents to almost have a heart attack on many occasions.

While Meria despite being only seven years old had an explosive, extroverted character and a sharp tongue that did not seem to know respect, but the truth was that Daemma also maintained a nature that loved chaos and enjoyed the uncivilized actions of his siblings.

"It's not excellent... I still have a lot to learn."

"For your age you are very good, when I was nine I didn't know half of what you already know," they both smiled at each other and Daemma kept her eyes still on the book.

"Since I am the only one who can not make the dragon egg hatch... the least I can do is to win in the studies," she said still with a smile and Aegon approached her taking the book from her hands, he sat on the couch and put his hand inviting his daughter to sit next to him, the girl obeyed and watched carefully to her father.

"You are not the only one, many Targaryen children fail to hatch a dragon, my brothers could not and claimed adult dragons... you will be able to do that, there are many wild dragons waiting for a brave and fabulous rider like you."

"I know... but I still like to study," Daemma said with a now sweet smile, her father gave her back the book and left the library to let her continue with her studies.

Despite the fact that their children had ended up being raised away from the Red Keep with more freedom, education was something quite important, they had septas and weapons masters who taught the children all possible disciplines.

Daemma was good in history, languages, dance, singing and archery, but in embroidery she had to admit that she was a complete disaster, her older brother, Naemon, what most fascinated him was horseback riding, he was good with the sword and archery, but in artistic skills he was a zero to the left, just as he did not show much enthusiasm for books and history.

The youngest of the siblings, Lady Meria, was a girl who despite not liking to study had an incredible capacity to retain information, she was attentive and observant, she hated dancing and singing, but she was better at embroidery. Archery was her weakness and she constantly asked her older siblings for help to improve, but she was better at swordsmanship.

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