04. The Fireflies of Larys Strong

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Daemma arrived home several hours later than agreed, despite flying as fast as Auryon allowed her. She was grateful that the fierce wind had partially dried her dress and hair, though the fabric remained damp and her locks were thoroughly tousled. Without pausing to consider the cold she felt, she hurried into the mansion. A maiden greeted her with a slight bow and quickly gestured towards the main hall, noticeably illuminated by torches and candles, where she knew her father awaited.

She glanced at the maid with questioning gestures regarding her father's mood, but received only a mild smile and shrug before the maid withdrew, leaving her unsatisfied. Sighing, Daemma mentally prepared herself for the encounter and began to make her way towards the hall when the maiden alerted her with gestures about her disheveled hair. Alarmed, she hurriedly attempted to smooth it with her fingers.

After thanking the maiden, Daemma headed to the hall, mentally bracing herself for a possible reprimand. However, to her surprise, she found not only her father seated in one of the armchairs, but also her mother, Princess Kassaia. Sensing her daughter's presence, the princess rose with a smile and playful eyes, approaching slowly.

"Darling... you've finally arrived."

"Mother... father." Daemma swept her gaze around the room from Kassaia to Prince Aegon, who remained seated with a distant expression, seemingly annoyed. Ignoring her mother's teasing smile, Daemma spoke softly.

"I apologize for the delay. There were some unexpected events, but I assure you everything is fine."

"Why would there be any problem?" the princess asked, delicately touching her daughter's shoulder as she continued calmly, "Sometimes we are delayed, it's quite normal... Rather, tell me how your meeting with Prince Aemond went."

The question was expected, yet it caught Daemma slightly off guard. She hadn't reflected on it during her return journey, still caught up in anger over her cousin's attempt to drown her in the lake—an incident she decidedly omitted, especially considering it was a consequence of her drunken state after downing three tankards of ale at an inn where they faced bandits.

After assuring them that everything had gone "marvelously well," her father's voice finally filled the room as he stood up.

"I want to hear the story too, but it's already too late... it will have to wait until breakfast."

His tone wasn't severe; in fact, it sounded calm, but his expression hinted at something he was holding back from saying. This demeanor worried Daemma, but before she could say anything, she felt Kassaia's comforting touch on her hair once again.

Daemma nodded and took her mother's hand, then glanced towards her father, adjusting her expression to address him respectfully.

"Good night, Father."

"Good night, daughter," replied the prince, his face notably serious compared to his usual demeanor. Though he briefly lifted the corners of his lips, he did not move to kiss her on the forehead as was customary.

As Daemma exited the room, Kassaia turned back to her husband with a playful smile lighting up her face, while the prince remained standing without moving. She began to pace around him.

"You're exaggerating."

"The agreement was for her to return shortly before dusk, and look... everyone must be asleep by now."

"It's barely bat hour. She's come back later than this when she used to go out with Meria... Or have you forgotten?"

"I wasn't with Meria," the prince's voice grew firmer, but Kassaia seemed unfazed. She settled back into the armchair, stretching out like a child, to continue the conversation with her husband.

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