[049] A Chance To Live

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Fiona decided to go with Daryl and Rosita to see what the Saviors were up to

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Fiona decided to go with Daryl and Rosita to see what the Saviors were up to. To see if they were gonna make more bullets for Eugene.

Fiona was looking out the window while she watched Saviors take out buckets of bullet casings. Maybe three big buckets of them.

"Well, looks like you're right," Daryl says to Rosita, handing Fiona the binoculars that she handed to Rosita because she could see what was happening without them perfectly. "It's up and runnin'."

"Yep." Rosita's voice was hardly above a whisper. But Fiona somehow managed to know what she said anyway, "Buckets of casings for Eugene to turn into hundreds of bullets."

"Look at the little shit coming out of the ass," Fiona says, nodding her head to Eugene as he walked out of the Sanctuary to see the bullet buckets.

"Let's do it now," Daryl says after giving Fiona an odd look after the sentence she just said. He furrowed his eyebrows before turning back to Eugene.

Rosita took the binoculars away from her eyes and stared at Eugene as well, "We don't take out the machines. We take out the man." Rosita says, looking at Fiona who nodded her head in agreement.


It was the next morning and Fiona was waiting for Eugene to finally leave the building. It's been hours since she's been outside with Rosita and Daryl, though.

Finally, Eugene was two guards walk outside so when the guard gets far enough, Daryl shoots it with his crossbow and Rosita slits the other one's throat.

Eugene turns around to look at the guard behind him but sees Rosita so he turns around again but gets a gun to his face which is Fiona.

"Hi." Fiona smiles, tilting her head while Rosita comes up from behind him and grabs his gun. Fiona aggressively grabs Eugene's arm and Rosita grabs the other while they drag him somewhere else.

After walking a while, Eugene has surprisingly been silent. Fiona was walking behind him with her gun in her hands, Rosita was beside him, and Daryl was in front of him.

She was happy he wasn't talking because once he started, he never stopped. But, she jinxed herself.

"I can't help but suspect that the reason I'm being taken alive is, despite... what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbor a vestigial nostalgia for our erstwhile camaraderie. And in light of that—"

"Shut up." Fiona groaned, throwing her head back before looking back up and seeing Eugene glaring at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "Shut your damn mouth."

"I'm willing to shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see such a time as you're ready to break the ice, two traveling companions—"

Fiona noticed Daryl start to slow down and she also noticed him pull out his knife. Daryl interrupted Eugene by putting a hand on his chest and pointing a knife at him. "Shut your mouth 'fore I cut your tongue out!"

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