The Ties That Held us Together

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Hey loves so sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been working on my marauders discord server! I've also been taking some space for myself and now I'm much less rushed! On that note let's start this chapter yeah?

1 hour and thirty minutes left. I have to finish my mission. This cant end the way it once did.. I can't lose James again...

...Regulus black had just woken up earlier than usual. He had gotten an offer to set him and his friends free. The chocolate wasn't helping much so he took that offer and got on a boat that was rigged. He jumped into the icy waters which he in fact could swim in. Something hit him however. He felt this shock like this had happened before but how can that work? You only live one life right? This was among many thoughts in the younger blacks head but he pushed it aside getting to his friends and saving them, and now we will lift off again. I know you came here for wonka.. but this is about to be a whole lot more interesting. The day was young and regulus saved all his new friends. He had no dept to pay and was free from that reached place he had to call home. He had a new problem now. A problem named Peter pettigrew. See Peter had shown up around noon and regulus being as quiet as he is.. was never found.. not by Peter anyways. Somewhere on the other side of town was Sirius black and the group in the cabin. Sirius and James had just got the biggest knees of their lives and weren't taking it quite well..


"Well he is so shut you bloody mouth and listen to Dorcas. She has a plan." Remus said sternly.

"Hmp fine." Sirius says while James is simple standing with his jaw practically on the floor.

Dorcas explains her plan to get regulus and them to safety. she was talking about a safe house somewhere here and they all decided to go to it once they found regulus and got Peter off their tails. (Hehe get it cause he's a worm ok sorry not funny 😅) Sirius and the others all left and walked around trying to find regulus not thinking or knowing that Peter was around. Pandora rosier was the first to find him however, this was simply because he wasn't in his human form. He was a black cat. He has a collar on however and it's got a p for Pandora. (Her idea) Pandora got him and quickly found the group they where all confused as to why they were leaving with a cat and not regulus (they don't know he's an animagus) but they went along with it. Once they got to the safe house they made sure nobody was around and then barty and Evan shifted everyone to the real safe house. Nobody was to know where it was except the three. It wasn't in France at all actually. It's in London. Nobody knew this and they got Peter off their tracks along with any death eater. Evan and Barty learned this move long ago and mastered it. They didn't have a mark yet and can't be tracked so this was the best plan. They walked into an alley and with the tap of the 4 wands the wall opened up and the group went in. The place was nice and neat and very darkly colored but there was so much lightness to it. The windows weren't real but they had the tallest ones there could be, they must have had a charm put on them because they still let in light. There was tons of lighter colored furniture and the clash was very nice. You could even say cozy. To the left of the room they were in was a dining and kitchen area and to the right was a hallway with tons of doors. A library, bathroom, Bartys room, Evan's room, pandoras room, Dorcas' room and a few other guest rooms at the very very end of the hall was a door that said Regulus Arcturus Black. At the bottom of the door was the cat and James, sirius, Remus, and Marlene were all confused because Pandora let the cat in the room. Another cat ran out however. Weird Sirius thought. The place was beautiful and all but they wanted answers. Why are they here and where is regulus? why won't anyone answer?

One hour until my world collapses. One hour left to fix what I've broken. Save this humanity instead of myself. One. More. Hour.





Gonna end it here loves! More may be out later but maybe not. I am trying to get some of this out since I missed a week and all. Ty for all the love and patience!!

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