4. The Golden City

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I was left alone in the tent for the rest of the night, though Loki had insisted that at least two of them stood guard so I wouldn't escape while everyone else slept. The group predictably grumbled about this, but with Thor giving his brother some sibling support, his friends did as Loki asked. Which made me wonder how much power the dark prince had over his own subjects. Thor's friends obviously didn't respect Loki. And to my knowledge non of them were royalty. Just warriors that made up Thor's friend group. It almost made me feel bad for the younger prince.


I did my best to sleep through the night. Seeing no reason to do much else. If I tried to escape I would be admitting I was guilty of something. Thor, Loki, and the Asgardian warriors would hunt me down across the galaxy. Best to just comply for now. I could feel Eclipse in the back of my mind, still worried. He hadn't left, no, of course he wouldn't. Even though I wanted him to go back to Drakarus with the Terrible Terror he wouldn't leave me like this. That being said I knew he couldn't do anything to help me. I couldn't let him be seen. I couldn't take that chance. Not with my own dragon's life. I wouldn't put him in harms way even if that meant I was the one in danger.


Thor came into my tent at first light. He looked at me sheepishly, silently apologizing for taking me captive. "There is nothing for you to worry about." He told me in the same tone he would use to calm down a victim was rescuing. "Once Father tells my brother you are unremarkable I will bring you back here then you will be free to go."

"I thought mortals are not allowed to go to Asgard? And isn't this kidnapping? Pretty sure thats illegal." I ask him, doing my best to sound harmless. Which worked because Thor gave me his signature super-hero 'you can trust me' smile.

"That is true. On both accounts." Thor agreed with me gently. "Though with Loki's mind made up father will not mind you coming along with us. If anyone is to get in trouble it will be Loki. As for the kidnapping I have authorization from your government to take suspected extraterrestrials back to Asgard with me. Not only that but Earth has been under Asgard's protection for thousands of years. The All Father has some authority here. If all goes according to plan no harm will come to you. You have my word."

I wasn't too convinced. But I smiled and nodded along. All I needed to do was keep up the act and I would be free soon.

Thor lead me out of the tent. The fire was still going from last night. The short stout man with the beard was making breakfast. The woman and the blonde haired man, Fandral, were breaking down the tents, while a black haired man with a goatee was packing away everything else into elegantly carved boxes laced with gold and silver.

Seriously, how much gold and silver did Asgard have?

Loki was near the fire, pacing back an forth, trying to find ways to pass the time. He looked over at us as Thor lead me out of my tent. I could feel his magic power was much less agitated this morning, making me a little more relaxed. His green eyes showed impatience, but other than that he was clam.

Loki locked eyes with me, giving me a look I couldn't place then turned to his brother. "We should get going." Loki insisted, not in a panicked way, but more of a regal command. "There could be reinforcements coming for her."

"We will depart for Asgard the moment we have everything packed away dear brother." Thor told Loki calmly.

Loki rolled his eyes, glancing around at all of Thor's friends who seamed to have slowed down their efforts in getting packed. Listening in on the two princes conversation. "Your friends are useless." Loki informed his brother matter of factly, and with a flash of green light the camp was put away neatly into the boxes, breakfast cooked and plated.

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