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    Charlie was looking at me. I felt a bit of guilt, but I stood up and slammed my helmet on the floor. Everyone got startled. "¡Oh, mierda!" I scream. "I made varsity!?" I can't just leave the team with no good players...

    "It's says on the paper. Calm down, little lady." Dwayne tried to calm me down. 

    "Oh, I'll be right back." I mumble, giving Charlie an apologetic look. He looked down. I felt bad for him. It isn't fair for me to go in varsity, leaving the others. I went to Coach Orion's room and barged in. Not caring to knock.

    Coach looked up. "Amorá, what do you need?"

    "Why am I in varsity!?"

    "Amorá, you showed me today in practice that you are a very good and talented player. You have what it takes to be in varsity." He explained. "So, if you want to leave varsity, I'll make you captain of JV. Your talents shouldn't go unnoticed."

    I froze. If I leave varsity, I'll become captain. Taking Charlies spot. Damn, where's my man Jess when you need him.

    "Charlie's captain. That's it." I was practically fuming. "I ain't gonna take his spot." I knew he knew I was unsure of my decision.

    "If Charlie really wants to be captain, he needs to show me he can be one. Until then, you're captain. Got that, Amorá?" He told me.

    I got out and went to the dressing rooms. I opened the door and went inside. Everybody was looking at me. I ignored them and began to take off my gears. Everyone noticed I was mad and began to mind their business, that was before Averman spoke up.

    "So what'd you tell, coach?" The whole room looked to me for an answer.

    "I told him I ain't bein' in varsity, he told me I'm goin' to be captain then. I said that Charlie should. He waved me off and said I'll be captain 'til Charlie shows him he wants it." Everybody looked to Charlie. He looked up from the ground and stared at me.

    "Guess Charlie's riding the pine pony too." Averman joked. We gave him a look. "Okay, I'll shut up now."

    We all continued what we were doing. We were done and one by one we started to leave. I was going to leave, but Charlie got a hold of my arm.

    "Wait for me." He asked. I nodded and went outside to sit at one of the bus benches where. I wanted to go to Hans after practice. As I was waiting, I saw a figure walk towards me and sit next to me. I looked up and saw DJ Matthews. He was the kid back in new York who Adam, and my whole team, said liked me. I didn't believe them. 

    "What ya doin' at Eden Hall?" I asked him.

    "Oh, I got accepted here. I tried for Varsity hockey and I made it. Didn't know you were going to be here." He answered me.

    "Ya, I got accepted on scholarship for JV hockey. 'Posed to be in varsity, didn't want it, so I'm captain for JV."

    DJ nodded his head. "Nice, nice." I hear footsteps behind us and it was Charlie. "See you around, Hot Shot." I winked at me before getting up.

    Charlie reached me and looked to DJ. "Who was that?"

    I stand up and began to walk with him. "Teammate from New York. Nothin' to worry bout, Captain."

    Charlie stopped walking. "You can't call me Captain if I'm not captain. I call you captain now." Before I could answer he switched the subject to our first practice with coach Orion.

    "Show me 'round Minnesota." I suggested to him. "I've been here once for the Goodwill Games." 

    Charlie slightly rolled his eyes. "I can't. Mom told me to get home right away, since we have guests coming over tonight." He looked to me and mouthed 'sorry'.

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