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    Today was the first game playing as the Warriors. I had a bad feeling that it isn't going to go as expected. I couldn't shake the feeling. Anyways, I got dressed in some black jeans, a black tank top, and a red flannel. Obviously with a matching backwards Yankees hat.

    The day passed by quick and I had no problem with no one. Almost no one. Georgia would bother in class and all, but that was normal for her. Charlie still isn't talking to me.

    Not like I care...

    Now, we were in the lockers getting dressed with our hockey gear. Connie did my hair in a braid, making the helmet fit comfortably.

    Every now and then, the team would glance to Charlie and I. We made it obvious we weren't talking to each other. I feel like the team is falling apart. I'm not letting that happen anytime soon. Or I'll try to not let it happen.

    We got ready and skated to the ice. We were all in Warrior jerseys and I have to say It looks ugly. Orion was waiting for us. "Gather around. Let's go, come on hustle up." Coach said, gathering us closer to him. "All right. Think defense. Hands in. Here we go!" We all put our hands and starting quacking. "Hey, Hey, hey! Knock it off. What the hell was that!? Go team on three." He counted and we all said it.

    "How original." I roll my eyes. Guy laughed as Averman agreed with me.

    We started playing and we were doing pretty good in the first two periods, but then then we started slacking and they were catching up to us.

    Charlie got sent to the penalty box cause he slammed his stick and broke it. The refs marked it as 'unsportsmenship'. We were winning by one point, but Charlie decided to take matters into his own hands and try to score another goal. 

    He got tripped and the other team took it and made a goal. Making us tied. That's how the game ended. In a tie. We would've won if Charlie didn't do that.

   We walked in the locker rooms gloomy. I just walked to my seat next to Connie and Julie and just sat down staring at the floor. Wondering why the fuck? It was our chance to prove Eden Hall we were capable of winning at least one game. We couldn't even do that. I scored most of the points, but that didn't seem to be enough.

    We were sitting in silence until Charlie broke it. "That guy hooked me."

    "We didn't need another goal." Kenny mentioned.

    Charlie looked to him. "Hey, listen, I was trying to win it." He shot back. This dude was pretty heated at the moment. He's been so off lately, what the fuck is up with that?

    "Leave Kenny alone." I slightly push Charlie away from Kenny. Charlie rolled his eyes and moved back.

    "Well, mission accomplished." Averman added on. Charlie shoved him and I was about to do something, but like always I got cut off.

    "We let down simple as that." Guy confessed, taking Charlie's attention away from Averman.

    Charlie rolled his eyes. "No, you guys let down. I played hard." He showed Guy out the way.

    Luis scoffed. "No heart, man."

    "Well, what are we playing for anyways!? Some stupid school? The alumni? I mean, Warriors? What the hell are we now!?" Charlie was practically shouting. Aruna, calm down, don't lash out. Don't hurt your boyfriend. If i could even call him that anymore. I tried to stay calm.

    "Look man, we are on a scholarship I'm staying." Russ opposed Charlie's words.

    "Fine, sell out." Fulton butted in.

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